Filler Chapter 2

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I woke up with arms around me. These arms are strong and seem to be very protective of me...considering that they are pulling me into whoever's chest this is. I start to move around and the grip loosens but when I stop moving the arms tighten again pulling me closer. this person is awake. I turn around while closing my eyes, pretending that I was asleep. I came face-to-face with them.

"Macy, I know you're awake. Werewolf hearing remember?" I sigh and open my eyes to be met with the blue eyes that belonged to Isaac Lahey.

"What time is it," I asked while putting my face in my hands. I probably look so gross right now. It's not like Isaac hasn't seen me after I have woken up before. He's spent the night before...but this time it's different.

"It's 12:42 pm."

"Shit, I was supposed to train today. It's too late for that now though."

"Your dad and Allison aren't back."

"My dad is going to be gone for the rest of the week, so 5 more days and Allison is probably going to stay at Lydia's for the rest of the week."

"That sucks...but you got me. I'll stay with you."

"You don't have to do that Isaac."

"I want to, I don't want you to be worried or anything. I'm going to leave for a bit so I can get new clothes and some more for later in the week. I promise I'll be back soon."

"Isaac, I'll be fine. But thank you for offering."

"Nope, I'm coming back. I'll be back in like 30 minutes, tops. I promise."

"Ok, I'll see you in 30 minutes." I hadn't realized how close our faces were until he kissed my forehead. He climbed out of my bed. Yes! He's still shirtless! He grabs his shirt and put it on...damn.

"See you soon, Macy." And with that he leaves. I hear my front door open and close. He's gone.

It's been 5 minutes since he's left and I'm hungry so I decide to go get doughnuts. I grab my boots that are near the door and hide my knives in them. I grab my phone and keys as well. I am making two stops: Krispy Kreme and a doughnut place near my house called...Doughnut Depot. I pull up to Krispy Kreme and get out and enter.

"Hi, how may I help you?" The man behind the counter asks.

"Hi, can I get a dozen of glazed please?"

"Of course." He then starts to load up the box with doughnuts, I look out my window and I see a car with tinted windows. Weird. "Here are you doughnuts, that would be $8.34."

"Oh, thank you." I hand him a $10 bill.

"Your change is $1.66"

"Thank you" I drop the change in the tip jar and grab my box of doughnuts and exit the store. I enter my car and look into my rear view mirror...that car is still there. Maybe he's waiting for someone.

I start to drive to Doughnut Depot and I'm almost there when I look in my rear view mirror and the car is following me.

I pull off to the side of the road, that car does the same. No cars in sight besides me and the car following me.

I unbuckle myself and wait for them to make the first move. I see the door open on both sides...two men walk out with hand guns. Bring it. They are almost at my car when I swing my door open and get out. They point their guns at me. My eyes start to glow the soft green. I put my hand up and move it to the side...their guns are yanked out of their hands and put on the ground. I pull out my knives and swing them. They come closer and I throw one knife at one of the man's legs.

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