Tattoo (part 2)

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Thanks Scott, for leaving me in this hell. I hear Stiles ask Lydia about the bandage on her.

"What happened to your leg?" Stiles asked.

"Prada bit me." She replied

"Your dog?" Stiles asked. This dumbass.

"No, my designer handbag. Yes, my dog, Stiles." She retorted.

I snorted as I laughed. Omg, this is amazing. Mr. Sarcastic gets schooled by the Sass-master. Amazing, may this go on record that I was here.

"Has Prada ever bit you before?" Stiles continues to ask.

"No," Lydia says gently.

"Okay. What if it's, like, the same thing as the deer? You know, like, how animals start acting weird right before an earthquake or something?"

"Meaning what? There's going to be an earthquake?"

"Or some thing. I just- maybe it means something's coming."

"It was a deer and a dog. What's the thing you say about threes? Once, twice-" Lydia gets cut off by me.

"Once is change, twice is coincidence and third time is a pattern," I cut in.

"How do you know that?" Stiles asks me.

"It's common knowledge that I've acquired over time considering my family is full of hunters," I scoff out. The scoff comes out more like a laugh and that laugh was pretty loud. All the students seem to turn and look at me, along with Miss Blake.

"Macy, would you like to share with the class of why you're laughing?" Miss Blake asked.

"I would love to. See, I was looking out the door window to the hallway and I saw a student moonwalking as they acted like they had a fedora on. You should have seen it, it was the most amazing thing ever. They moved with such-"

Just like that I was caught off mid-sentence by a thump on the window. I looked over, as did the rest of the class, at the window and I saw a bird slowly fall from the window leaving blood and feathers behind. I start to get up when I see a whole murder of crows coming towards our window. They start to crash into the window until they actually break through.

"Get down!" Ms. Blake yelled.

Students tried to get under the desks while being attacked by the birds. I see Stiles try everything he can to get to Lydia, he finally does and he covers her as much as he can with his body. I crouch so nobody can see me as my eyes begin to glow the soft green when I use my powers. I breathe in and out slowly as I start to move my hands toward to crows.

I whisper "stop" and I feel a gust of air blow around me and the crows stopped. I open my eyes once I know they aren't glowing anymore. Stiles and Lydia looked at me, they knew I made the crows stop? I did a small nod in confirmation that I did do it. Alli looked pissed that I risked exposing myself, but I knew what I was doing. Stiles and I start to talk amongst ourselves while Alli and Lydia talk.

I bet it's mostly about me using my powers, like I should apologize for saving them. Stiles gestured towards the door, and I turned around. I saw my dad and the sheriff come through the door. My dad first spotted Allison, he hugged her and asked if she was ok, then she snitched on me. My dad then grabbed my arm and dragged me outside, yay a lecture. Thanks Allison.

"What were you thinking? You could have been seen. Exposed out in the open. Think Macy, just think before you do something stupid like that again." He lectured, he also said more but all I heard was blah-blah-blah. I knew where he was going with it, I've heard it before, nothing new. We walk back in to the classroom to have Allison join me. She gives me a smug look of satisfaction as she told on to me to dad. The same look she always had when we were younger and she knew that telling dad on me would "boost" her ranking to him. It's a dumb concept honestly.

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