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AN: I think I'm only going to do one part to this since she's not really going to be in this episode. She just going to be with Isaac the whole time and that's not that many it's going to probably be short.

It has been 3 days since the motel incident. Last night I spent the night over at the McCall's because Isaac and Scott felt that Mama McCall needed to be protected since the doctors seem to be going missing. I was spending the night because I wanted to spend time with Isaac at his residence instead of my house. So here I am, in Isaac's bed at the McCall house since he's living with them. It's the morning and I get up and go into Mama McCall's room to wake Isaac.

I'm entering the door way when I see Mama McCall wake up and she sees the boys.
"Boys!" She yells, they jump awake at the sudden noise. I laugh at their reactions and Isaac looks over and shoots me a smirk.

"What are you doing?" Mama McCall asks.

"We were watching over you to make sure you weren't taken." Scott explains.

"Good job watching her," I say.

"Dude, you were on last watch." Scott says to Isaac.

"No I wasn't." Isaac says.

"Yes you were. I took first watch because you wanted to make sure Macy fell asleep." Scott pointed out. True.

"I might have been on last watch." Isaac says.

"Boys, I don't need to be watched." Mama McCall says.

"The doctors were taken and I don't want you to be taken too." Scott says.

"I'm not a doctor. I'm a nurse so I'm in the clear." Mama McCall says.

"It's taking healers. And last night you were a healer with Danny." Scott says.

"Go get ready for school, you're going to be late. I'll be fine." Mama McCall says.

I turn around and go back into Isaac's room and I go to the drawer I have in his dresser. I keep extra clothes in there and a brush, a toothbrush and some make up for when I stay over. Isaac has a drawer in my room too, with clothes and such for when he stays over. I grab my clothes and I'm about to change when Isaac walks into the room to change.

"I'll go in the bathroom..." I say grabbing my clothes and start for the door.

"No, you can change in here with me. I promise I won't look. Besides Scott and Melissa need the bathroom." Isaac says blocking the doorway. There's no way I can get through...I'm 5'3 and he's 6 foot something. I huff and go to the other side of his bed and turn away from him and change. Once I'm done I turn back around to see him ready to go but facing away from me. He really didn't look. I put my clothes in his hamper because I know he'll wash my clothes...since I do the same for him. I do my eye make up and do my hair.
"I'm ready" I state and he opens the door for me and I walk out, he follows me. "See you at school."

I leave the McCall's house and enter my car and drive to school. Once I arrive I go inside and get books from my locker and head to class.

-Insert blank amount of time that passed-

Isaac texts me telling me that Boyd and him left to go to Derek's loft because they have a plan to trap the Alphas.

I raise my hand and ask if I can go to the nurse's office since I don't feel well. I use my powers to heat up my blood so that I can sweat a bit. Of course I get excused because I look like I'm about to pass out...which I am.

I arrive at the nurse's office and the nurse takes my temperature. I have a fever so she lets me leave school. As soon as I'm out of the school's parking lot in my car I make my temperature drop back to normal and drive to Derek's loft.
I exit my car and walk into Derek's loft.

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