Visionary- Author's Note

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AN: I've decided to not write this episode in chapter form with Macy inserted into all of it since the episode is just one story being told by two different people in two different locations. I didn't know which location Macy would be in. The episode in general is Derek's story about him falling in love when he was 15, then killing her. That's when his eyes changed. His eyes changed from the yellow to the blue he had before as a beta.
- we see young Derek
- we also see young Peter again
- The eye color changes from yellow to blue when a werewolf kills an innocent soul.
- So most werewolves start off with yellow eyes, unless they killed an innocent soul before they were bitten. But all born werewolves have yellow eyes unless they kill or become an Alpha.
-We also know that Gerard stuck two of those flash bang arrow things into Deucalion's eyes and that's why he is blind.
- Deucalion can see in his wolf form, as a wolf but he can't see in his human form since he's not all wolfed out and his eyes don't work if he isn't wolfed out.
- Ennis bit Paige (Derek's gf) because Peter convinced Derek that if Paige found out he was a werewolf she won't accept him. Peter pretty much told Derek that Paige would only love him if she was a werewolf herself. So he got Ennis to bite her.
- Derek was at the school when Paige got bit by Ennis and he heard the whole thing and you could see the pain in his face as he listened. He couldn't take it anymore and tried to help her but Ennis pushed him back. She got bit and stopped struggling.
- Paige's body rejected the bite and she was dying because her body was fighting it.
- Derek held her and went to the basement of the abandoned house where the Nematon (or however the fuck you spell it) was. He tried to take her pain away but he was hurting himself in the process and he couldn't take her suffering anymore so he stabbed her with his claws and she died in his arms. Boom, his eye color changed here.
- Back it up a bit, before she dies...Derek apologized and explained the whole thing and how it was his fault. She says that she would have loved him anyways...and then fast forward a bit. She got stabbed, last breath- blah blah blah. I said the rest already.
- That's how the Hales came to the conclusion that you either change or die from the bite. With the exception of Jackson and Lydia. Well, Jackson did get changed but not into a werewolf. That's when we learn the bite makes us turn into the creature that we represent, or something like that. Proving Jackson was pretty much the biggest asshole you could ever meet because he was evil in order to be the Kanima. Then he got killed and got resurrected as a werewolf. That's not the point though. But the bite for Lydia didn't work because she was already supernatural, if anything it just triggered the powers of it fully. Damn, if Lydia wasn't bit she could have continued her life as a normal person...but she would still be a Banshee but she wouldn't hear all the voices and shit.
- Talia (Derek's mom) removed the memory of the location of Paige's death from Derek's mind so Derek doesn't remember where the Nematon is
- Every once in a while insert a sarcastic/humor relief from Stiles
- Every once in a while insert a threat or something from one of the Hales
Now you're pretty much caught up...with what I thought was useful. Just pretend that Macy got retold the story by Stiles or Allison. Whichever you prefer. I couldn't place her in one location over the other since each story has details and facts that the other doesn't. I would have been providing half of the story but not all of it. It would be very challenging for me. It would also probably confuse you humans, the readers. Since one story if from a hunters perspective who heard Derek's story from God knows who and he tells the reason behind the Alpha pack a bit (nothing we didn't already know, pretty much). The other is from Peter who was creeping on Derek when most of it went down. Ok, I think I'm done here...if I miss anything just tell me and I'll make a bullet point for it.

Peace out!

Pointless Side Notes of Mine:
- shoutout to Michael Fjorback who plays young Peter. God bless your jaw line.
- Also shoutout to Ian Nelson, who played young Derek. God bless because that dude is fine as fuck.
- Thank you casting director for making Derek hot when he was younger. So shoutout to you as well.
- Derek is bae...both of them...young and present. But it's fine because it's one character so in a way I don't like two different characters since it's still Derek.
- I would totally date Tyler Hoechlin if he wasn't dating Brittany Snow. Also if he didn't have the same first name as me. I don't want to be like the whole Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner dating thing. That was the stupidest ship ever. They should have both known better than to date someone with the same first name as them. Dumbasses.
           - yes my name is Tyler, but I am a female. It's a shared gender name. Look it up before you say something dumb that will piss me off.
-Also also, we saw what Ennis looked like not all wolfed out. When I watched this episode, I had no idea who he was so I paused it and stared at it for like 5 minutes then gave up and pressed play and then they say it's Ennis.
- I hope to never have to deal with that confusion in any other episode of Teen Wolf
- The guy who plays young Derek has the same first name as the guy who plays Peter (and its Ian)

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