Fireflies (part 1)

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I am in the car with Allison and she is taking me home. She is going to go somewhere and she doesn't want me with her. I understand, I mean after Scott and Derek took off to find Boyd and that girl that got loose. There's an uncomfortable silence that hangs over the space of the car. I wish I could just go and escape this silence but I can't. Not even the car radio is on, it's literally just a silence hanging over the car.

"Why didn't you use your powers to stop them," Allison asks me through gridded teeth. She suddenly breaks the silence with and I don't understand the question.


"You could have used your powers to stop Boyd and that girl. But you didn't, why?"

"I didn't think of it. I'm sorry."

"That's not a good enough excuse. We're here. You can get out now."

"Fine," I say as I get out of her car and slam the door. Right after I slam the door she speeds off. I walk up to the apartment building and go up to my floor. I enter and close the door.

"Dad, I'm here," I call out and get no response in return. Great home alone again. I enter my room and lay on my stomach on my bed and scream into the mattress. I replay what Scott told us.

My mom tried to kill Scott, while he was still with Alli. She tried to kill my best friend (who really isn't), a part of my "pack". She almost succeeded if Derek didn't come in. Derek only bit her because she tried to attack him. After he bit her she ran off and from what my dad told me. She ran to him and showed him the bite mark. And we all know the story from there.

Scott told us that the reason why he didn't tell us was so that our last memory of our mother wouldn't be of her trying to kill him. I understand that but Alli didn't. She was angry...then Derek and Scott left and she got mad at me. I think about what Isaac might be up to while I slowly drift to sleep.

I woke up to someone calling me. I was asleep for an hour. That was a nice nap. I grab my phone and it stops playing my ringtone which is Fergalicious.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Macy, come to Lydia's house now."


"Yeah, come over now." And with that he hung up. Ugh Stiles.

I roll out of bed and I need to change my clothes because the ones I'm wearing are gross. I change into my star sweatshirt and a pair of skinny jeans and sneakers and throw my hair into a low ponytail. I grab my keys and phone, and slip my knives into my shoes. I run down into my car and drive to Lydia's. I arrive at her house in 5 minutes but usually it takes me 15 minutes to get there.

Woohoo to speeding, I really am a reckless driver.

I get out of my car and open the front door with the key on top of the door frame. I run up to her room to see her looking confused with Stiles embracing her and she slowly wraps her arms around him.

"What did you make me come her for?" I asked.

"Lydia found a dead body," Stiles said.

"WHAT?" I asked.

"Yeah, and she doesn't know how she found it," Stiles said.

"I was going to the store to get more ibuprofen and I get out of the car and I was texting. I look up and I'm at the public pool. I look around and nobody is there. So I walk closer to the lifeguard's stand since there was a guy just standing there. And-" her voice cut off, she was choking up. "-he was dead. So I screamed."

"And then she called 911 before me. We established that she calls me first before 911. The same thing goes for you too," Stiles says.

"How is that logical Stiles? The cops handle this stuff all the time and you don't," I reply.

"Well, my dad is the Sheriff so in a way I have dealt with this stuff just as long as he has."

"Wait, Stiles...this has happened before," Lydia said before I can comment about Stiles' terrible logic.

"When?" I asked.

"Peter," they said at the same time.

"Hold on," Stiles said as he grabbed for his phone that is ringing. "It's Scott's mom."

Stiles walks out of Lydia's room and so it's just me and her now.

"Are you ok?" I ask

"No, how do you have control?"

"What do you mean?"

"You have control over your powers. I have no idea what I am but I want to control it because I can't handle whatever I am."

"It was extremely hard. I really didn't want to be this. But then I found out it's a gift. Being a witch is rare. But they type I am is almost impossible. I'm not an elemental witch or specialize in dark or light magic. I have all of them...all the types of magic. It's only happened once before and it is my great something grandmother that had it. And my family being hunters of the supernatural had to decide if I should live or not. That's the only time they ever broke the code."


"Yeah, it's tough at times but you always pull through. It helps when you have someone with you. I had Allison but she's your best friend now so you have her. She can help, she will try as much as she can. I have Deaton to help me understand it but I have Isaac to help me. Isaac is my best friend. And he will always try to help me as best as he can. Oh my god that came out all sappy and cheesy. Ugh. I hate that shit."


"For what?"

"Giving me hope. Telling me that I will learn to control whatever I am."

"It's cool"

I open my arms to hug her and she accepts. While hugging Stiles walks in and says, "Lydia, stay here and get some rest. Macy come with me."

"Why me?"

"I might need your help. You can ride with me, I'll take you hear to pick up your car later."


We say bye to Lydia and we leave her house and enter the jeep.

"So you and Isaac?" Stiles asks as we drive to the hospital.

"We're just friends," I say.

"Sure, ok. You Argent girls have a thing for werewolves."

"I don't like him like that."

"Ha, sure you don't. I see the look he has when you get upset. If you don't like him then he definitely likes you. It's obvious."

"No he doesn't. I'm a year younger than him...I'm the youngest in the pack. I'm like a little sister to everyone.

"Sure you are. We're anyways. You may exit the vehicle."

"Why am I here anyways?" I ask as we get out.

"We might need you to protect us...and by us I mean me."

"Ok," I say as I laugh.

"Hey," Stiles says as he greets Melissa.

"Stiles. Hey Macy." Melissa says.

"Hey Mama McCall." I say, she is like my mom since you know my mom killed herself due to the code.

I guess the maternal instinct of Melissa kicked and and she started to look after me as if I were her own kid. It's awkward with Allison since you know...she like broke Scott's heart and all. It's just an awkward situation all around and it's a weird thing to explain. All I know is, my dad trusts her to take care of me and she's cool with it. She's like a saint. She's perfectly amazing and she slays my entire existence with her maternal instinct.

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