Fireflies (part 2)

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Mama McCall makes us follow her into the morgue. Why? That's a great question. From the greetings up until now there as been no talking...that means no questions or explanations. I literally have no idea why I'm back here. It doesn't seem like anything good will come out of this so I'm not going to hope there will be something good that comes out of this.

"I see dead people," I whisper to myself loudly and I start to chuckle. Stiles sends me a glare because this seems to be serious and I wipe the smile off my face.

"Ok, Stiles and Macy over here. And if you tell anyone anyone that I showed you this, I swear to God, I will kill you painfully and slowly," she tells us as she walks over to a covered body. I'm honestly shocked at this sorta threat because it's a first for me. I look over at Stiles to see his reaction but he seems unfazed by it. It must happen to him a lot.

"Why do you want to show me a body I've already seen," Stiles asks her.

"You've seen this body? Do I have to see this body? I don't think it's a good idea for me to see this body. Granted, I have seen worse but still...I don't want to see a body," I try to explain in a pleading voice.

"Because you haven't seen everything," she ignores my pleads with as she uncovers the corpse. I hold back a gag as I look at his face. She points to his neck and explains, "see this around his neck? That's a ligature mark. That means that he was strangled with something, like cord, rope-"

"Ah, okay, wait a second. What kind of werewolf strangles someone? You know, that's not very werewolf-y," Stiles observes. I realize he has a point and I look closely at the neck.

"My thoughts exactly. Then there's this," Melissa tilts the head to the side and there's a indent on it. It's a very large indent and it's very...well...indented. You can see the dried up blood around it and some chunks of what could be brain.

"God, man, what is that? Is that brain matter? Yeah, it's brain matter...of course," Stiles gags out.

"See the indentation?" She starts to point to the place where the indent is and what seems to be like the biggest point of impact. "He was hit in the back of the head, hard enough to kill him. In fact, any one of these things could have killed him. I mean, someone seriously wanted this poor kid dead."

"All right, so then this couldn't have been Boyd or Cora, you know? They wouldn't have done all that. So maybe this is just one murder. I mean, maybe it's just a random coincidence."

"Yeah, it obviously isn't a werewolf or anything were like," I agree with.

"How do you know for sure?"

"If it was a werewolf, there would be some sort of claw marks or something. The werewolves that I've experienced in the past can't seem to quite hold in their primal urges long enough to do something this tedious. If the man put up a fight, eventually the werewolf or whatever would cave into his instinct since it's like a predator catching its prey. They couldn't be able to hold back those urges long enough to strangle them with a rope and bash their skull in with an object. A werewolf could just rip out the throat or strangle them with their hands or slam the skull against the wall or floor. Everything about this screams human and even the body tells me it was a human."

"You can tell if a dead body is supernatural or not?"

"Yeah, they usually give off some aura or a type of tingly feeling but I feel nothing. Also, usually supernatural things know when one of us has died. The air just seems to shift around us or maybe it's just a witch thing. I know for werewolves or creatures within a pack, you know when one of your members died. You get weaker and everything seems off. That's why Derek and them were so off about being able to find the others for so long. A part of their pack died but they couldn't sense it since the memory was wiped from Isaac so nobody knew, only Boyd."

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