Motel California (Part 1)

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I holt up from a sleep on Isaac's shoulder when the bus reaches a Motel. I had a dream about someone shooting themselves after his eyes glowed yellow. He whispered the old Argent code "we hunt those who hunt us" then he blew his brains out. I shiver thinking back and I look over at the Motel. The hairs on my arm are standing up.

We all exit the bus and Isaac is with Boyd so I decided to go talk with my pack.

"I've seen worse," Scott says to Stiles looking at the motel.

"Like what?" Stiles challenges and I laugh.

"The meet in which we were going to is postponed until tomorrow. This motel is the only one that had enough vacant rooms. Also the least judgment when it comes to you bunch, accepting a bunch of degenerates. There will be two in each room. There will be no sexual perversions at all going on between you little deviants." Coach yells "especially you two." He says as he motions to Isaac and I.
I roll my eyes and walk over to Allison who stopped to turn around and looked at Lydia who hasn't moved.

"What's wrong?" I asked Lydia.

"I don't like it." Lydia says zoning out.

"It's just for one night" Allison says.

"A lot can happen in one night" Lydia murmurs.

We go to our rooms after Coach gives us the keys to them. Scott and Stiles are in one room, of course. Isaac and Boyd are in one room over from Scott and Stiles. Sandwiched in between is Allison, Lydia and I. Coach broke the two a room rule for us girls, because "I don't want any of you getting pregnant from this, also you two have the same last name so you count as one person."

I walk into Scott and Stiles room and sit on the bed. They are trying to figure out who the person is who makes the human sacrifices.
"I have a list of ten people: Derek, Cora, Mr. Harris, Deaton, Lydia, Derek..." Blah blah blah, he says the rest of the names.

"You named Derek twice, dumbass. So you only have 9 people." I point out.

"Well. He still scares me so of course I put him down twice." Stiles explains.

"Why do you say them though?" Scott asks.
"Mr. Harris, just because he's missing doesn't mean he's dead." Stiles points out while numbering off him.

"You're putting him on the list because you don't like him, veto." I say.

"Cora, no one knows anything about her besides the fact that she's Derek's sister." Stiles puts another finger out, numbering her off as well.

"Just because she's a Hale doesn't mean she's a killer. She's also a werewolf and like you said before the sacrifices don't scream werewolf." I say.

"Shut up, Macy. Deaton, because the whole Obi Wan thing he's got going on. It freaks me out." Stiles holds out three fingers.

"That's true, but he's been trying to help us." I counter.

"To throw us off and not to suspect him. Duh." Stiles says. He hold up a fourth finger and says "Lydia, because she was totally controlled by Peter and she never knew it. Also she's found some of the bodies."

"It's Lydia, we're talking about. She hates getting her hands dirty." I argue getting offended.

"It might be someone at the school. Matt was controlling Jackson and he was responsible for many of the deaths. We didn't know he was killing people" Scott suggests.

"If I remember correctly, I said Matt was responsible long before we actually learned the truth." Stiles pointed out.

"You have a point there...well who else is new to town?" I ask.

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