Chapter 16: Messy Situations

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Chapter Sixteen
This couldn't be happening to me. Not on the day of the big party I had been waiting for. Not now. "Stay away from us." I warned. I stole a quick glance at Tay who was now completely passed out. I had considered running out the door but I knew I couldn't leave her there.

I imagined I was in her position, lying on a cold bed with some stranger touching me while I lay helpless. I bared my teeth at the thought of him even getting near her.

"Don't be like that, honey. I've liked that girl a long time." He reasoned, taking a few steps forward. A lump formed in my throat, but I managed to speak. "I'm not your honey. Don't come near us. I'll scream." I threatened, my voice rising a few octaves.

He just chuckled, stepping forward again, this time more dramatically. I stood my ground in front of the bed. I mean I could be smarter than this guy and scare him off, right? It was probably the only shot I had.

He was still walking forward; the only way I could tell in the darkness was a pale strip of moonlight. "I told people where I was going you know. I told them what you did." I snapped, staring longingly at the door.

He laughed the sound echoing in the rather large space. I cringed, the noise sending sparks of fear down my spine. "Lying is not a very good habit, my dear. No one is coming for you; you should just let me do what I want. I've loved this girl forever, and I knew she was going to be here. She loves me-" He stared at her like she was his pet or something, "but she can't seem to admit it."

He was a stalker. Her stalker.

He was so messed up that he had no idea that what he was doing was wrong. I wasn't equipped to handle crazy people, all the knowledge I had gained on how to deal with criminals was from television.

"If you love her you wouldn't do this." I said softly.

He glared at me, "What would you know about us? We're in love, I could tell the first time I saw her! She looked into my eyes and it was like magic." He sounded really pissed now, glaring at me like I was the devil himself.

He was in front of me now. I could get a clear look of his deep hazel eyes that burned with a mission. I suddenly felt small, but I knew I would have to fight him. Why didn't I take Karate lessons when I was younger?, I thought ruefully to myself.

His face softened a bit, as he gave a little laugh. "I didn't notice how pretty you were..." He whispered as he stroked my face with his hand.

I was frozen in my spot, too afraid to protest. Finally, I slapped his hand away.

"D-don't touch me." I stuttered, standing my ground.

"Who's going to stop me?" He said softly, grabbing my arm roughly.

I screamed, thrashing wildly to get away.

"Let. Me. Go!" I cried.

He threw me to the ground, making me smack my head on the wall.

I felt hot tears well up in my eyes. I felt my scalp to see if I was bleeding, but there didn't seem to be any blood. I saw him coming closer to me again.

So I tried to get on my knees to hoist myself up. He was standing over me, making a disappointed clicking noise with his tongue.

"It's a shame to hurt a little girl like you."

"Bastard." I cursed, wiping the tears from my face.

He slapped me, and I fell to the ground again. I saw him bare his teeth. I took the opportunity to kick him in the shins.

He gasped in pain, and kicked me in the ribs. I screamed again, already feeling my ribs bruising.

He lifted me up by the arms and pressed me against the wall. I felt lightheaded and defeated, but it wasn't over. He would have to kill me before I would let him do anything to her. I was pretty sure that I had her protected as long as he was distracted with me though.

The creep flashed a smile and said,

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