Chapter 5

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Hai guys!! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Sorry for being so inactive (I really have no excuses) I'll post a separate part to show my scheduled and when I will be posting. 

Lucy's POV

I thought that it was so cute that Jellal asked Erza out. I think they look cute together. Of course, the guild went crazy and many people started to drink and fight. I went over to MiraJane to order a strawberry milkshake. I talked to Mira a bit and then I started to talk with Levy and some of the other girls. 

"Oi, Lucy I'm hungry lets go get something to eat" Natsu said and ran over to me and grabbed my arm.

I waved goodbye to the girls and walked over to a little cafe called Mini's Cafe. We went in and I ordered a muffin and some coffee and Natsu ordered a whole breakfast meal. Natsu started to devouter his food. Taking one bite out of each thing.

"Natsu" I wispered and gave him a look"

"What?" He answered with a mouth full of food.

I sighed and he continued to eat. I finished my coffee and muffin and Natsu finished his whole breakfast meal and we headed back to the guild. The guild master,Makarov, suggested that we go on a mini trip/vacation to the beach. We can go swimming,eat,run around in the sand. I saw Natsu thinking of something inappropriate and yelled "I'm in! lets go." I lightly hit him and he smiled. 

"We will all meet up here at 4:30pm and leave at 4:40pm. We will be staying on vacation for 3 days so pack as much as you can. Its now 3:30pm so im allowing all guild members to leave now and pack for our trip." Makarove said and ordered us to leave. 

I look to my right and see that Natsu is already gone. He stops running and comes back. He picks me up and starts running home. 

"Lets go slow-poke!" Natsu said and turned to me and smiled

I smiled back and in 10 minutes we were home. I pack around 3 bathing suits and some outfits to wear for the different occasions. Some flip-flops and other shoes, and I also packed my phone and charger. In all, I only needed to use 2 bags. I then went to help Natsu since he seamed like he was having a hard time. It was now 4:00pm so we headed to the guild. When we got their we saw Jellal, Erza, Gajeel, Levy, Gray and Juvia at the guild. I sat down with Erza, Levy, and Juvia. Levy told me that quite a few people were going. The people who were going were: MiraJane, Laxus, Evergreen, Bickslow, Fried, Wendy, Carla, Happy, Lilly, and the people here. At around 4:28pm, everyone came to the guild. We all left 4:30pm insted of 4:40pm since everyone cam early. We all adventured out to go have 3 day fun at the beach!

Thank you for reading this chapter I hope you enjoyed :) I will try to be active but I'm writing other books that wont be published to wattpad because I'm writing them in a notebook. I will post a little author's note and stay tuned for the next chapter! :D Baiii


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