Chapter 20

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When I woke up this morning Ricky was rushing me to get ready. I got dressed, (above. And also thank you x3Rawrx3 for the unknown taken outfit).

Jc, Ricky, Connor, Kian and I all drove to the Grove, ok the way there I asked, "What's all the rush? Damn Rickster."

"Sorry. I just want to go to the Grove, because I need some new tanks." Ricky laughed.

"Why did you need us?" Kian asked.

"Because I need you advice on what looks good on me."

"Can we get coffee?" Connor asked.

"Yeah I want some." I agreed.

*skipping the whole fucking day at the grove because it's all boring shit*

We were on our way back to the house while Jc said, "I want Christmas to be here."

"Wow Jc our birthdays haven't even passed, it's only September 1st."

"Mines tomorrow." Kian had a big grin on his face.

We pulled up and saw Sam, Trevor and Lily chilling in the grass with their boards. Guessing they went on a ride.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked.

"Nothing much." Trevor replied.

"What did you guys do today?" Sam asked.

"We went to The Grove." Kian said.

"What about you guys?" Ricky asked.

"Normal day. Nothing special." Lily replied.

We walked inside, Lily was acting weird, once we stepped in everyone screamed, "SURPRISE!"

Lily showed everyone the food she made and the cakes. Wow she put a lot of effort in this.

Jack came over to me and said, "Hey I gotta go record. But happy birthday Madi. I want you to know that I really like you." I smiled as his comment.

"Thanks J. I like you too." I giggled a bit.

After the party was over, everyone went home except the people who live in this house. I walked upstairs and say on my bed thinking about my birthday. It's in 25 days. I'm gonna be 18. Wow.

Moment later I heard a knock on my door, "Yeah?" I replied.

Soon Lily came in and sat on my floor,
"What's up?" I asked.

"Boy trouble." She replied.

"What's the matter?"

"Trevor pushed Sam down and I don't know why but I think they were fighting and I really like Sam but part of me still likes Trevor but is scared to date him again."

"You think Trevor is jealous of Sam?"

"Yes. No. I don't know. I just don't know what to do." Lily sighed.

"I can talk to Trevor if you want." I don't know what I'm getting into.

"Could you? I'm so confused about everything."

I smiled and hugged her and then she left. I guess I should call him? I took out my phone and dialed his number.

T- Hello?
M- *stayed silent*
T- Madi?
M- Hey
T- What's up?
M- Uh. Can we talk?
T- Sure what's up?
M- Were you jealous of Sam earlier?
T- What do you mean?
M- I don't know. Lily came in my room complaining about you and Sam and saying she still likes you or some shit
T- She likes me?
M- I gotta go.
I quickly hung up.

I opened up my laptop and went on Twitter. Everyone is asking where I am. I tweet out, "Send me questions using the #AskMadi. I haven't really been active on YouTube lately. I should film. I get out my camera and set everything up. I press record and start the video,

"Hey guys. Today I decided, 'hey I need to film why not a q&a..." I waited for a moment, "Let's start!"

"First question is from @kikiisbae- why did you and Trevor break up? Because things happen. Next question. From @youtubeislife- who do you like now? Btw ily. Awe love you too. And that's a mystery. You guys will have to find out."

"Next question. From @PepperAlexandria- if you were a potato what kind would you be? I would be the queen potato. Because I'm a queen. Okay last question from @LilyPottorffSHIP- how do feel about my otp lam dating? Umm... They are not dating sorry to burst your bubble." I shut my phone off and looked at the camera,

"Okay well that's all what I have for today. Thanks for the questions! Bye!" I covered the camera, then uncovered, "Love you all." I covered the camera once more and stopped the video.

I sat on my bed, editing the video I just did. Then someone knocked on my door, "Come in."

Jc walked through, "Hey."

"Hey. What's up?"

"So I asked Jenn.." He trailed off.

"Tell me!"

"She said yes." He smiled. I ran up to him and hugged him, "I'm happy for you!" We stayed in the hug for awhile. Then Jc broke it.

"Hey it's late. Go to sleep."

"Alright. Night. Love you." I haven't said that in awhile.

"Love you too." He smiled them left.

I put my laptop on my desk and wobbled to my bed. Right when my head hit my pillow I was dead asleep.

Yeah I know this was short and crappy but TWDandJaiWaetford rushed me. So blame her. Bye guys!!!

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