Chapter 14

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*A Week After Madi and Trev Told Lily* (Also ignore Luke Korns in that photo XD)

Madi's POV-
I woke up and got dressed (above), I still feel bad Lily is still ignoring Trevor and I. Also, Nash found out... He doesn't care. He found someone else anyway. Her name is Gabby, she is super nice!

Kian on the other hand, along with Sam. They are pissed at me. Kian won't even be in the same room as me. Sam will only text me and our conversations will go like:
M- Hey
S- Hi
M- What's up
S- Nm
M- Same
Then we don't text for the rest of the day. Connor is mad at Trevor still. They don't talk. Kian wants to kill him. Sam and him never really talked at all. Ricky still loves everyone. Jc supports him and I.
I walk downstairs and start cooking waffles, I hear footsteps running, "Who making waffles?" A male voice asked. Kian...

I decided not to respond and give him the silent treatment. He came around the corner and saw me cooking, "Oh." Was all he said.

I continued making waffles, Kian went to go get a shower, more footsteps came down. "I smell food." Sam sounded so excited, he didn't know it was me, he came around the corner, "Hi." He said awkwardly.

I also decided to give him the silent treatment too, Jc came downstairs and said, "I like food you know."

Sam and Jc sat down with a plate, I walked over and put a waffle on each plate, "Thanks sis."

"Welcome." I smiled.

"Thanks Mads." Sam said.

I faked a smile and continued to cook. I made 10 extra waffles, "Okay if anyone wants any they are right here." I walked in the living room, Connor was there.

I walked the other way and made my way to the pool, Kian was out there, I rushed the other way, "Madi wait." Kian grabbed my arm and pulled me outside.

I stayed silent.

"Stop ignore me and giving me the cold shoulder."

Still stayed silent.

"Okay, Madi to my point of view, I think it was kinda wrong to steal someone's boyfriend. But I want us to be friends."

I ignored.

"Madi talk to me." I just stood there, he pulled me over to the corner of the house where no one could see us.

"Madi. Just say hi. Or okay. Or something! Stop giving me the silent treatment! Please. I can't handle this anymore." Kian silently yelled.

I didn't talk at all. I don't know what to stay.

"Fine." Kian stormed off. I just stood there, "Kian." He looked back at me, "You actually speak?"

"Listen, I really don't know what to say to you, all I know is that Trevor and I are dating and haters can hate. I don't give two fucks about what you or Sam has to say about me. So go do some-" A pair of lips cut me off.

I backed away, "I can't." I ran inside and upstairs to my room, I heard people say my name and footsteps follow. I shut my door, and slide down it. I began to slightly cry.

Thoughts ran through my head.

Why did he kiss me?
Does Kian still like me?
What will Trevor do?
Can I move back to Texas?

The last question I thought, I kinda want to happen. I got up and ran over to my cash stash. I got my laptop and looked up plane tickets.

"I can't let Jc know." I whisper to myself.

"Can't let him know what?" Trevor says walking to me. I shut my laptop, "Nothing."

"No. What?"

"His birthday surprise." I lied.

"Cool, I was just heading to Starbucks with Ricky. Wanna come?" He asked.

"How about you and Ricky have a guys day together and you let me figure out this surprise." I lied again.

"Okay. Love you." He kissed my cheek.

"No. Here." I pointed to my lips, he laughed and pecked my lips, "Love you too." Then he left.

Okay. I need to buy this ticket. I go back online and look for a cheap ticket. About 20 minutes later I finally found this cheapest one, 1500$.

Now I need a ride. I think or the people who have cars.
Jc = No!
Kian = No.
Ricky = No.
Connor = No.
Jenn = No she'll tell Jc.
Andrea = She might tell Kian.
Then someone comes to my mind.
JACK! Jack is one of my good friends.

I looked at my laptop it says Flight 207 For Huston, Texas Departs at 8pm Tonight. Perfect!

I get out my phone and call Jack.
J-Jack M-Madi
J- Hello?
M- Jack!
J- Madi! What's up?
M- I need a favor.
J- I'm not being your fuckboy. Sorry.
M- No.! I need a ride.
M- Airport.
J- Why?
M- I'm flying home.
J- Can't Jc or someone from O2L take you?
M- They can't know.
J- You are leaving without telling anyone?
M- I told you.
J- What time?
M- Flight leaves at 8 tonight.
J- Pick you up at 5.
M- Thank you so much!

I hang up and grab my suitcase and start packing. I grab my laptop and iPod put it in my carry on. Yes I have a iPod. I look at the time 1:00. I packed my clothes and look out my window, no one home. No cars. I take out my camera.

I turn it on and start filming, "Hey guys. There has been a lot of drama this past week, and as you are watching this video I'm on a plane right now. Going home. Yes Trevor and I are dating. I can't live in this house right now. I'm going home." I sigh and continue,

"This isn't goodbye from YouTube. I not even gonna bother editing this video. This is just goodbye from California. I love you all. I'll see you all next time on my channel. You guys please don't start anything. Love you all. If you want like this video for home. Bye guys..." I cover the camera with my hand then take it off, "Love you O2L." Then I recover the camera.

I start uploading the video and title it as, "Bye For Now." Jack texted me and said he was outside, I grabbed my suitcase and carry on. I headed outside. Before we leave I say, "Bye Our Second Life."

Then we drove off to to airport. The car ride was silent until Jack spoke, "You are positive about this." I nod.

*At The Airport*

"When you coming back?" Jack asked.

"I'm not sure. Thank you for the ride. I'll text you when I land." I give him a hug. He smiled as I walked inside.

I went through security and boarded my plane. My phone wen off like crazy. I ignored everything.

Such a plot twist. Bet none of you were expecting this🐻 Sorry😂 Love you all!!! Check out TWDandJaiWaetford 's Story for Lilys POV... Yep. Bye now

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