Custody battle part one

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Lolly woke up to hearing Scott calling Maddie and Jacksons name from down stairs so she just turned over and put her pillow on top of her head trying to block out her father's persistent calling knowing that she was next.

"Lolly, Maddie come on time to get up, Don't make me come up there" Scott called up the stairs

"Alright, I am up, why don't you have a go at Jackson and not just me dad" Maddie yelled back while walking down the stairs in her pyjama's and hair all over that place glaring at her dad as she walked into the kitchen slumping down on a stool

"hurry up Lolly and Jackson, I don't want to be late" Scott yelled

"Alright I'm up I'm up Jeez no need to shout" Lolly yelled back while slowly dragged herself out of bed, down the stairs and into the kitchen slumping down on a seat next to her sister "God dad do you have to yell first thing in the morning?" Lolly said as she stifled a yawn then grabbing some toast and started to chew with her mouth open knowing it would wind Maddie up.

"Yes, I do because you're all too lazy to get up this morning" Scott took at seat at the dining table with his coffee and newspaper
" Morning dad" Jackson said glumly as he sat down at the table and started pouring himself some cereal and a large helping of Milk.

"Chew with your mouth shut" Maddie said angrily as she grabbed her own piece of toast.

"You can't tell me what to do I'm the older one" lolly stuck her tongue out exposing the chewed up toast

"Stop it that's gross " Maddie scrunched her face up in disgust

"Your such a little brat" Lolly laughed and punch her sister in the arm

"OUCH" Maddie glared at her sister while rubbing her arm whilst Jackson shook his head at his sisters.

"Will you two stop it and go get dressed" Scott demanded and Jackson smirked, after a minute of them not moving "am I going to have to ask you again go get dress now?" Scott was fuming with anger at this stage their mother was in hospital and they couldn't give a damn.

"Why do we have to see mom anyway?" Lolly asked getting up and placing her plate in the dishwasher.

"Because she would love to see you and she is your mother," Scott answered from behind his newspaper "really Lolly I have no Idea why you would ask such a silly question I thought you were a grown up young lady"

"but she never bothered with us before so why do we have to bother with her" Lolly spat

"Don't talk about your mother like that, she loves you all very much, now I don't want to hear any more of that silly talk now go and get dressed now" Scott said rather forcefully making Lolly storm off to her room

"Mom is alright isn't she dad ?" Maddie asked shyly

"Maddie, your mother is fine and can't wait to see you all now get a move on and get dressed". Maddie nodded picked up her plate and put into the dishwasher and then headed up stairs with Jackson following behind.


"Hi we are here to see Wanda O'Neill," Scott said

"Yes are you family?" The nurse smiled at them

Yes I'm Scott O'Neill her ... Husband" Scott said the last word was harder to say than he thought soon he would be saying ex..

"She is in the same room as yesterday Mr O'Neill, please go in" Scott took hold of Maddie's hand and began to walk along that long corridor.

Maddie stopped suddenly Scott stopped too and looked at Maddie with a confused look on his face "what's wrong Maddie? Your mother will be fine she just needs lots of rest-"

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