Welcome home baby

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A few days after Jackson being Born they were now allowed to take him home and that was when it hit Scott that they were stilling living in Wanda's one bedroom apartment. Scott helped Wanda out of the car and lifted Jacksons car seat out of the car and carefully carried Jackson into their small apartment.

Once inside Scott took Jackson into their room, transferred him into his mosses basket, and wrapped him up warm. Wanda climbed on to her bed, sighed with relief, and snuggled down.

"Wanda, don't get mad but,I have something I need to do will you be alright for an hour or so?" She yawned and nodded.

Scott kissed Wanda on the lips and then walked over to Jackson and looked down at him with a big smile upon his face.

"Now you be a good boy for your momma and Daddy will be back soon" He walked away from Jackson and took one last glace at his wife before he left the house. As Scott got into his car, he called one of his real estate friends "hey Harry its Scott I need your help with something got time for coffee?"


"Hey Scott" Harry looked at the time "yeah sure I'll meet you at the little coffee shop around the corner from your house, oh and should I bring my folder?"

"Sounds good, yes see you soon" He hung up and started for the coffee shop

When Scott reached the coffee shop he order a coffee for himself along with a double chocolate muffin and a coffee for his friend then made his way to a small round table out the front. When he saw his friend approaching, he stood up to shake his hand "Harry how are you" Scott asking sitting back down and thanking the waitress as she put their coffee on the table

"I'm good how about you?" harry smiled at his friend as he sat

"Good thank you for seeing me at such short notice"

"Oh on problem and how is Wanda?Wasn't she due a week ago?"

"Wanda is good yeah she gave birth to our Jackson a few days ago" He could  help but grin mentioning his son and wife.

Harry smiled knowing that his good friend of 15 years was happy "congratulation's and Jackson? That's a nice name well getting down to business I'm guessing since you told me to bring my folder that you're looking a house with 5 bedrooms?" Scott nodded taking a sip of his coffee "well to save some time I went through all of our 5 Bedroom houses that were listed and came up with three you might like, did you want to go take a look I have about an hour and a half before I have to back to the office"

He looked at the information and pictures on the three houses his friend suggested and decided the second one looked best it had pictures of the front of the house which showed a manicured lawn, it also had pictures of the kitchen which was modern and very large, the five bedrooms all different shaped but all very large and all had an on suite which would be perfect . So Scott and Harry got into Scott's  car and they drove to that house first.

"I do have to tell you that this particular house is a few extra miles away from Litchfield  " Harry said and Scott nodded.

"Sure" He said looking in the rear view mirror.

As they drove up the nice quiet street Scott looked around seeing all the houses front yards were neat and there were children playing it felt very warm and welcoming Scott new this was the one before they even got to the house.

Harry Gave Scott a tour of the house it was brief as Harry got called back into the office so harry drove back to where They had parked near the coffee shop "I'm sorry that you only got a quick look I can book an appointment and take you through again in a couple of days and you can bring Wanda alon-"

"How fast can you write up the paper work?" Scott interrupted

"What? You're serious?' Sam asked confused "don't you want to talk to your wife about it?"

"We have been living in a small apartment  for a few years now and it isn't the easiest place to live, and I know she will love it"

"Ok umm give me a couple of hours you want to come to the office I'll get it sorted I should be able to pull a few strings and get you the keys in a few days"


It had been three days since He bought the house and now he had the keys. Scott and Wanda left Jackson with Stephanie whilst Scott took Wanda to see their first house...well she didn't know this at the time, Wanda thought they were going out for lunch but when she looked around to see houses not shops she got confused "Where are we I thought we were going out for lunch?"

"We are but I have an errand to run, it will only take a few minutes" He smirked

Wanda rolled her eyes, she still felt tired and a bit sore "you got me out of bed to drag me along to some errand you have to-do" she was annoyed but he just ignored her and pulled up to their new house

"Close your eyes" Scott ordered

"Excuse me?" She raised her eyebrows

" Do you trust me?" She nodded "well then" He said raising his eyebrows.

Sighing Wanda closed her eyes "if this is some sort of trick I will kill you"

Scott smiled as he slowly guided Her to the front door where he stopped her, unlocked the door and lead her to the middle of the lounge room.

"Open your eyes" He held up a bunch of red roses

She blinked a couple of times then looked around "where are we?"

"Home" She stared at him  feeling rather confused "welcome home baby to our new house I bought it a few days ago" She could not wipe the toothy grin that appeared.

"Oh my- are you serious?" He just nodded which made Her scream and pulled Him into a tight hug, then looked into his eyes before crashing her lips with his, Scott broke the kiss when air was needed.

He took Her hand, showed her around the house, and told her everything he wanted to do with it to make it theirs.

Wanda new at that moment that they were going to be okay, that everything would get better and they would go back to being the way they were when they first met.

Life as we know it  (Orange is the new black fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now