Sibling fight

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Wanda woke to loud screaming, Wanda groaned turning over "Make them stop" She groaned to Scottwho just groaned.

Wanda nudged him in the ribs "Scott" Scott just turned over in his sleep.

"Scott!" Wanda said louder.

"Hmmm" was the reply she good back from a sleeping Lump next to her.

"ugh" She groaned chucking the bed covers back with force so, they were now on top of Scott who was oblivious.

She stretched yawned and opened her bedroom door wiping the sleep out of her eyes as, she walked along the corridor towards the sound of the screaming children.

"Jackson , I was watching that" She heard Lolly moan as she walked down the corridor.

Wanda turned the corner "I said give it back Jackson or I'll tell mom and dad " Lolly yelled at her brother who had a smirk on his lips.

"Make me" he said rather cocky like and Lolly rushed after  her brother.

"Jackson..." Lolly screamed running over to her brother.

"HAHA you can't ge it"

"What on earth is going on here?" Wanda said with sleep still clearly audible in her voice."Me and your father were trying to sleep" Wanda said softly

"sorry mom ...but, Jackson wont give me back the remote" Lolly said stamping her foot with her arms neatly folded across her chest.

"Jackson, let Lolly watch her  show and then it's your turn" Jackson went to argue " but...she watches baby shows" Wanda gave Jackson one of her stern officer glances and Jackson sighed "but..fine.. here" He chucked the remote which hit his sister in the chest.
"Ouch" Lolly said holding back the tears.

"Jackson , apologise to your sister now!" Wanda pointed her finger at Jackson who rolled his eyes "Sorry" He said sarcastically.

"Are you alright sweetheart?" Wanda bent down to Lolly's level  to look at her daughter who nodded.

"right, sit and I don't want to hear a peep out of you both" She demanded.

Lolly jumped onto the sofa with a bright smile on her face with the remote clutched tightly in her little hand whilst Jackson stomped over to the sofa and sulked.

Wanda shook her head and walked into the large open plan kitchen and started making herself a coffee and breakfast for the kids.

Jackson looked over at his sister  then at his mother who had her back turned and He stretched out  his legs kicking Lolly.

"Hey" Lolly moaned quickly turning to look at her mother who was busy in the kitchen. Lolly kicked Jackson back.

they both continued to kick each other behind Wanda's back untill she turned round to see them both fighting again.

"Will you too pack it in" Wanda yelled.

" what's going on here" Scott said walking into the lounge/kitchen.

"dad Jackson is kicking me" Lolly moaned.

"Jackson leave your sister alone" Scott said walkig over to Wanda kissing her on the cheek.

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