The Crash

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Wanda sat in the break room reading the paper work that would finalise the end to their marriage but was she ready to say goodbye to her life with Scott, give up years of marriage? What would happen with the girls? Wanda looked at the clock that hung across from the desk, which read 1pm, so deciding to head home and cash in some vacation time to herself before picking Jackson, Lolly and Maddie up. Wanda picked up the paper work, put it back in to the horrible plain brown envelope, and placed in into her bag; she got up putting on her coat and scarf, picked up her bag then left the Prison.

The drive home for Wanda was hard, today was the end... the end of a long marriage one that lasted years as of tomorrow Wanda let the tears fall silently down her cheeks, she knew she worked to much but that job meant everything to her and she couldn't see why Scott didn't understand that as he worked in the same place. Wanda pulled into her driveway then sat in the car for a few minutes trying to take it all in...before leaving she wiped away the mascara, then grabbing her bag she got out and entered the house where it all started and where it was about to end. Wanda stepped inside placing her bag on the floor and her shoes next it, listening only to hear silence she sighed while making her way into the kitchen to make herself some coffee, she sat down on the stool and just started at the cup in front of her... she was lost her phone buzzing pulled her from her thoughts it was a message from ... Scott, unlocking her phone she read

S: You're still able to pick the kids up from school at 3:30?

W: Yes, of course xx we really need to talk about what you

Gave me this morning because I don't think it's too late

To give us another try! I'll see you when you get home xx

S: no Wanda it is over.

Wanda couldn't help but burst into tears reading his message, once she had calmed herself she signed the papers... its officially over I hope your happy now Wanda stared at her screen saver which was a picture of her, Scott and the kids on a beautiful day at the beach what happened Scott.... We seemed so happy

Realising what time it was Wanda jumped into the car and headed to the school. Pulling up in empty space, locked the car then walked over to the school, and stood uncomfortably with the other moms.

"Mom" Jackson rushed over to his mother jumping his bags on the floor by Wanda's feet.

"Hey Jackson, good day at school?" Wanda asked tucking a piece of hair behind her and picking up Jacksons bags.

"Yeah it was alright" Wanda chuckled.

"Come on lets get your sister" Wanda and Jackson walked over towards Lolly's class. Minutes Later Lolly came out saw her mother waiting with Jackson. Lolly walked slowly down the pathway and over to Wanda dumping her school bag at her mother's feet "where's dad, he normally picks us up" Lolly asked looking round for him.

"well it's nice to see you to" Wanda placed a piece of hair behind her ear and bent down to pick Lolly's school bags up off the floor "he had to work so he asked me to pick you up if that's ok with you missy? What's with the attitude?"

"Why now, I mean you never bothered before?" Lolly spat at her mother in an annoyed tone as she walked towards her sisters class.

"Have we got to go straight home today?" Lolly called out to her mother and Wanda nodded "Ugh" Lolly groaned " can't we go to the park?" Wanda shook her head.
" ugh I wish dad was picking us up he lets us go to the park" Lolly whined.

"I'm a fraid not and I don't care if your father takes you to the park but I am not, come on we need to get Maddie" Jackson held on to his mother whilst Lolly walked ahead sulking.

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