First date part two

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Scott and Wanda walked towards Scott's car, which was a silver jeep. Scott reached out and took Wanda's hand in his as they walked towards the car but soon had to let go when Scott reached into his pocket for the car keys and opened the door. Scott held open the door for Wanda who climbed in and thanked Scott.

Scott got into the driver 's seat, placed the key into the ignition, started the car, buckled his seat belt, put the gear stick into drive, looked in his mirrors and left Wanda's apartment, and drove to the restaurant.

The drive there was rather quiet and Scott took those quiet moments to glance at Wanda who was looking out through the window and was oblivious that Scott was looking at her. Scott reached out and took Wanda's hand in his and rested them by the hand break and Wanda turned from looking out the window and smiled at Scott and held on to Scott's hand and Scott gave Wanda one of his dazzling smiles.

Scott pulled the car to a stop when he parked , Scott let go of Wanda's hand and undid his seat belt and got out of the car and walked round to Wanda's side of the car and opened the door for her and he even extended his had to help her out of the car.

"I hope you like Italian?" Scott said locking his car and took Wanda's hand in his own and they walked to the restaurant only to see a large line of people waiting outside to go in.

"I think we might be waiting a while," Wanda said seeing the large line.

Scott smirked hoping reserving a table would score him points with Wanda.

"Hey, I have a table for 2 for tonight under Scott " Scott asked greeting the door man warmly only realizing it was his good friend Sam.

"Sam, how the hell are you?" Scott said shaking his good friends hand.

"Scott good to see you, the usual Table for 1?" Scott shook his head "I have someone special with me tonight, table for 2 " Sam looked over at Wanda and smiled " Of course come this way" Sam said gesturing for them to follow which they did and they were now inside and being led to a nice table by the window looking out at the fantastic view of the town all lit up.

"Thanks Sam" Scott said placing his hand on his shoulder.

"No, problem, I will be back in a few minutes" Sam said cheerfully before he walked away.

"Wow, how this place is lovely" Wanda said looking round at the rather packed restaurant.

Scott pulled out Wanda's chair, Wanda sat down, and Scott tucked the chair back under the table as a true gentle man would.

"This place must cost a fortune, you didn't need to bring me to a place as posh as this," Wanda said placing her bag on the chair.

"I wouldn't take you anywhere else this is the best Italian food in New York"

"How did you get us a table that quick, I mean people were queuing to get in here?" Wanda said glancing out the window at the group of people queuing to get in.

"I come here all the time and well I got to know Sam the owner quite well and he's a good friend," Scott said smiling.

"Well I love it thank you," Wanda said smiling at the true authentic Italian decor.

"Any drinks for you?" Sam asked walking back over to Wanda and Scott.

"Could I have a ... Vodka and Lime soda please," Wanda asked

"Of course you can and Scott?"

"I will have a beer please Sam "Scott said smiling.

They both picked up their menus and looked at all the appetizing food.

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