Still into you - Chapter 22

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 Merry lifted his mug of ale, and clinked it against his friends. After being so far away from home for so long, the familiar noise it made relaxed him. Their quest had taken them halfway across middle earth, for 13 long months. Merry looked around at his friends and smiled, especially at Frodo. The fact he and Sam had destroyed the one ring, and saved everyone from a dark lord, still amazed Merry deeply.

Now, he recalled his adventure. Aragorn saving them from Ringwraiths, Rivendell, Moria, Lothlorien. Boromir saving his and Pippins life, tree beard, Isengard. Memories of the beauty of Rohan. Becoming an esquire, his armor when he rode to battle with Eowyn. It all seemed so far in the past, yet was easy to remember. But, although Merry had changed both physically, and mentally, his feelings hadn't. With every passing day, Alora had crossed his mind. Their first kiss lingered on his lips, as did the touch of her skin on his finger tips. But, as well as desperately needing to see her, he was dreading seeing her again. Merry had an awful sickly feeling in his stomach, that told him she had moved on, after all, it had been more than a year since they had last seen each other.

Suddenly, Sam stood up, making everybody look up at him. They all watched in amazement as he walked over to Rosie, who was behind the bar as usual, and then they chuckled to themselves. Merry sighed and then looked down at the table, his thoughts turning back to Alora.

"I should've found her earlier, why couldn't I just find her?" was what he thought, over and over. Pippin saw the change in his friends facial expression, and placed his hand on his shoulder. Merry peered up at him, with disheartened eyes.

"I'm sure she'll be just as happy to see you," he said smiling. Merry shook his head slightly, avoiding eye contact. 

"You can't be sure though!" he protested. "Surely, you must be worried about seeing Ra again? Worried that she might have moved on?" Merry asked, his voice trembling slightly. Pippin shook his head disagreement, still smiling.

"I'm more worried about her killing me if I'm honest.." he admitted, shrugging, "But I can't wait to hold her in my arms again, just to kiss her again, to touch her skin.." he sighed dreamily. Merry raised an eyebrow at him, and chuckled lightly. 

"She's what I fought for. To see her face again, or maybe.. to die protecting her from evil," Merry said slowly, taking a sip from his mug, before placing it on the table again. Pippin smiled widely back at his friend, and then nodded.

"But you're sure that Ra loves you.. you've heard her say it.." Merry continued, sighing even louder, almost bashing his head against the table. "You can't be so sure that Alora would want to see me.."

Pippin sat up almost immediately, and stared hard at him. "I can.." his stern look faded into a devilish smiled, and his gaze shifted from Merry, up towards the door.

"Merry?"  he heard a soft, rather familiar voice, behind him. Merry felt his heart almost leap into his mouth as he began to turn round slowly. At first, he didn't look up from the floor, but eventually he looked up nervously.

"Alora?" he asked, his attempt at hiding the excitement in his voice failed. He looked up even more, to be met by a silhouette of a hobbit girl, with short curled hair. The light behind her began to fade, and she became more visible. Dark, chocolaty curls. Dimpled cheeks with her thin pink lips curved into a smile. Bright blue eyes shining in the light, and her light green dress rippling in the draft from the door. He watched, mesmerised, as she hid her quivering lips behind her hand, and then he stood up.

Alora watched as Tilia walked in front of her, greeted Frodo with a small kiss on the cheek, and sat beside him. Then, her gaze fell back upon the handsome blonde hobbit, who was stood just in front of her.

LOTR: The problems with Thursday - Merry Brandybuck FFWhere stories live. Discover now