Feeling Sorry - Chapter 9

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"Can't you two read? it said I'll be back in five on the door" a voice said happily. Tilia stepped back out of the sun light so she was visble. "But... it looks like you were in the middle of something... sorry guys!" she winced at her bad timing. 

Alora gently pushed Merry a bit further away from her, "It's okay Tilia, we were just going anyway." she said, beginning to walk towards the shop door.

"Didn't you see anything you fancied?" Tilia asked, confused. Her best friend usually can't decide which dress to buy. But now she didn't even find one she liked? she was so confused. Alora shook her head and smiled up at her, the sun light reflecting off her chocolaty curls. 

"you've got something to explain to me, haven't you?" Alora teased her friend, who wasn't aware she had seen her with Frodo earlier that morning.

Tilia pulled a face of confusion and Alora started to laugh as she walked out the door. Merry was quiet for a few moments as he followed her, before running to catch her up. 

Merry took a glance over his shoulder at the green dress which Alora seemed to have fallen in love with, 'Why didn't she get it?' he asked himself before following Alora out the door.

"what's she got to explain?" he asked inquisitively. Alora still continued to smile before looking across at him. 

"I saw Tilia down by the river earlier, with none other that Mr Frodo Baggins!" Merry felt his mouth turn the shape of a large 'O' and he blinked. 

"I thought that Frodo didn't like her" he said quietly. Alora shrugged and made a small gesture with her hands. 

"I guess we were both wrong, and now we've set our best friends up!" she laughed. Merry chuckled heartily and shook his head in shock. 

"Who would've guessed... ah well at least we can be happy for them!" he said, Alora quickly agreeing with him.

They continued to walk through Bywater, Alora talking Merry through the many different historical facts and buildings which were all around him. The mill, the bakery, the small markets, the town hall and of corse, the two inns; The Green Dragon and The Ivy bush. 

"One day, I'm going to get out of here." she said, confidently.

Merry looked at her in shock, "I never thought I'd here you say that, what's wrong with Bywater?" 

Alora looked quite stern, her eyes fixed on the gravel path beneath their feet. "After living here for 23 years and not being able to leave the house on your own for 18 of those... I think I have a reason to want to leave. It's like a prison! My dad didn't even know I went to meet you in Hobbiton yesterday! If he ever found out, he'd never let me out the house again until the end of his days..." she trailed.

Merry walked in silence, not knowing what to say. "Poor Alora..." he thought to himself. "I can't imagine what that's got to be like" he finally said, making Alora look across at him. 

"ah it's okay, I'm not some sympathy beggar!" she joked, making herself smile. Alora then looked up into they sky, the sun was just past mid point. "I wish my mum was still here..." she whispered, fighting painful tears from her eyes. 

Merry carried on looking across at her, "I didn't realise she'd left, what happened?" he asked. 

Alora felt her bottom lip beginning to tremble and a tear rolled down her cheek, a pain surging through her heart. "I-I... S-sh-she D-died." her voice stuttered and her hands shook slightly. 

Merry saw this, stopped, and immediately wrapped his arm round her and pulled her into a hug, "Shush, it's okay... I'm sorry I brought that up, I didn't know! I'm so sorry.." he hugged her tighter as Alora silently wept onto his shoulder.

After a few moments, Alora sniffed loudly and looked up at Merry, who was cradling her head with his hands. "it's okay Merry... I'm fine." her eyes were reddened slightly and Merry wondered how she could be so strong.

"Are you sure? you know, you can always talk to me about anything. You're my 'bestie' after all" he chuckled, Alora smiling at him.

"I'm sure, besides, I gotta go, my dad will be wondering where I've gone! I only went out for bread, can't survive with out my toast me!" she began to laugh.

Merry's face lit up with shock and happiness. "Me neither! I suppose if you're allowed, I might see you in the Green Dragon later? I'm meeting Pippin and Ra for a drink" He smiled kindly at her. 

"we'll have to see won't we?" Alora said as she began to walk slowly in the opposite direction up the path leading up to her front door. Merry watched her with wide eyes which hid the fact he was secretly smitten. Alora turned and waved towards him once she reached her front gate.

"see you later!" she cried as she waved again, walking up to her front door. 

"Not if I see you first!" Merry replied, a large smile on his face as he watched her disappear in through her front door. 

Alora peered through her front window and watched as a light headed Merry, trudged back down the path and out of sight. She sighed hard and walked through to her kitchen. Her father was reading a book again, but this one was smaller and had a red front cover.

"after noon Alora!" he said sarcastically, looking shocked as he looked up from the book. Alora smiled as she pulled the loaf from her bag and then focused on the book. 

"What have you got there?" she asked inquisitively as she walked over to him. Her father kept one finger on the page he was on and turned to the front cover. In gold swirled writing, it read, 'Baltimore.' Alora cocked her head to one side. 

"What's it about?" she asked, taking a seat next to her father.

"Two people falling in love.. I think..." he said sounding confused as he continued to read. 

Alora began to laugh lightly and looked in confusion at her father, "that's not usually your type of book! kinda mushy don't you think?" she joked, causing her father to also laugh along with her. 

"Well, I found it in the letter box! I don't even know how it got there, so I decided to give it a read. It's not too bad... but it's a bit too sweet for my liking." he admitted.

Alora's eyes grew wide when her father said he's found it in the letter box. "so that's the book Merry left for me!" she thought to herself, "A bit mushy for him as well I would have thought..." she chuckled to herself. Her thoughts were interrupted by her father speaking again. 

"there was also a letter for you Alora, I don't know who it's from though.." he said, looking across at his daughter. He then gestured to a small white envelope which was wedged between the salt and pepper pots which stood in the centre of the table.

"oh..." she whispered, reaching out and taking the envelope. It had her name written neat and small on the front. She got up from the chair and padded into her bedroom, still clutching the letter in her hands. She sat down at her dresser, pulling up her chair and putting the letter down. 

Alora then began to open the envelope gently, then pulling out its hidden inside. A folded piece of white paper. She unfolded it quietly and looked down at the rows of neat hobbit writing. She glanced quickly at it, noticing the name at the bottom, and feeling her heart skip as she read it. 

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