Friends - Chapter 8

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"Is that ok with you?" Alora stumble over her words. She watched as Merry slowly nodded his head. Merry had thought that she genuinely liked him, and that he could've made it work after his small screw up. But she wanted to just be friends. He had heard stories of when people say they want to be friends, but then never talk again. How could he let that happen when he felt so strongly for this girl that stood in front of him.

"Promise me one thing?" he whispered quietly. He grabbed Alora's hand and looked up into her bright blue eyes. She smiled and her two dimples in her cheeks became visible.

"What's that then?" she said cheekily, squeezing Merry's hand tightly. 

"Promise we'll talk, not everyday.. just often. Don't forget me. People usually forget others when they say they only want to be friends. You know what I mean?" he murmured, looking down at the floor shyly , turning a light scarlet.

Alora looked more shocked than she had before, "What are you on about?! How could I ever forget you? I tell you what, If it means that much to you... we can be best friends if you like!" she grinned up at Merry, who had the beginning of a smile forming on his lips.

"You know... I'd like that a lot Alora." he said softly.

Alora looked down at Merry and her hands, they seemed to fit together. It made her stomach feel as if it was turning in circles over and over. But she ignored the sickly feeling and continued to smile up at Merry.

"well, seen as you're my new 'bestie'" Alora winked at him teasingly, "You can stop calling me Alora! call me Ali" she smiled, making her dimples stand out more. Merry nodded and laughed slightly.

"Ali... I think it suits you! Well 'Ali'.. what are we going to do today?" He grinned widely and began to walk slowly. Alora also began to walk, her right hand still holding Merry's left. 

"well, I've still got the money left to buy something... Maybe I could use a new dress?" she added. Merry sighed hard.

"dress shopping... really?" he laughed. Alora began to giggle herself as they walked out of the market and through the sand stone arch way. 

When they reached the clothing shop, Merry looked through the windows. "I didn't know Bywater even had a place like this.." he placed his hands so he could see clearly through to the inside of the shop.

"that's because when you're in Bywater, you only come to get drunk." Alora joked, laughing quietly to herself. Merry hit her playfully on the arm and followed her into the shop.

It smelt slightly musty and a bit like wood moths in the shop, and from Merry's point of view, the interior wasn't exactly stunning. But Alora walked straight in and began to gaze through the number of different coloured dresses. Merry just wondered round clueless, picking up odd bits of fabric which were scattered around the floor. He then looked up over the different railings of dresses, trying to find Alora, but she was no where to be seen. 

"Alora?" he shouted, confused. He heard her sneeze loudly and then shout him towards a drawn curtain. 

"I'm trying on a dress... tell me what you think maybe?" she asked. 

Merry shrugged his shoulders and looked down at the floor. "I don't know much about dresses though.." he admitted sheepishly. He heard Alora chuckle from behind the curtain.

"You just have to tell me if it looks nice you fool!" she teased before pulling back the deep blue curtain, revealing a light green dress with a lighter chest and a dark green lace pattern across the front and up the frill of the skirt. It wasn't very puffy and it's sleeves only went elbow length, but Merry felt his jaw fall open. 

"what do you think?" she asked quietly, looking up innocently at Merry's face. Once she saw his facial expression, she began to blush. 

"I-I think you look amazing!" he stuttered, trying to catch his breath. He felt his heart fluttering at her smile, eyes and the simplicity of it all which made it more beautiful than ever.

"So you like it? Great!" she squealed before running back into the room and pulling the curtain again. Merry sighed heavily, his heart beat slowing. He stood in silence for a while before Alora made a small noise. 

"Merry... could you fasten the back of my dress up?" she murmured from behind the curtain. 

"sure..." Merry replied, before hesitantly pulling back the heavy curtain. Alora was stood with her back to him, holding up the front of her dress while the back remained untied.

"could you just lace that up? it's hard to do it by myself." she pleaded, looking over her shoulder at him. Merry began to feel himself blushing, he couldn't help but look at Alora's pale back, her skin seemed so soft but he couldn't touch it. 

"oh..okay" he said quietly, beginning to thread the ribbon through the holes, creating a weaved pattern up the back. When he'd got about three quarters of the way through, he stopped. He couldn't help himself any longer. He reached out slowly and placed his left hand on her left shoulder and leaned forward onto her neck.

"Merry? what are you doing?" Alora asked, a slight tone of panic in her voice. His warm breath tickled her shoulders and neck, making her get goosebumps along her skin. 

"I don't know Ali, I just..." he whispered into her ear. Then, for reasons unknown to Merry himself, he gently kissed her on the neck. Her pale skin was soft on his lips, as his lips were soft on Alora's neck. Merry felt himself relax more and he began to wrap his arms around her waist slowly, holding her closer than he had ever held anybody before.

Alora moved her head to look at Merry and felt herself closing her eyes. She hadn't been kissed on her lips before, never mind her neck! She didn't want to push Merry away, she wanted to turn and hug him tightly, she really did. But she couldn't bring herself to do it. If she fell for him, she knew she would be expected to leave her home and move. she didn't want to leave her father on his own, not without somebody there. 

Ever so gently, Alora placed her hand on Merry's cheek and turned to face him. 

"Friends Merry... I'm sorry, but we need to stay friends... I can't..." She looked up at him with sorrow filled and watery eyes. Merry looked back into her eyes, holding back the urge to kiss her lips. 

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that... I knew you just wanted to be friends and I should've held back my feelings... it's just... I need you!" he turned away a little, his bottom lip quivering. 

Merry went to speak again, but they were interrupted by a loud cough. Both of the spun their heads round to see a figure silhouetted in the doorway. 

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