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The sun was high in the summer sky as a hobbit girl skipped through the long grass. Her hair was tightly curled and her blue eyes already hid hints of wisdom. Alora Headstrong was five years old that day, the day she disobeyed her fathers words and changed her life.

"don't go past the edge of the village" he had warned her on endless occasions. She had never been out of Bywater before, but that morning she had been feeling more adventurous.

She wore a light green dress which caught in the grass as she walked further away from her home town. The young girl had never been this far away from home before, not even with her beloved mother. Alora found herself at a waters edge, the broken reflections of her were scattered across its surface. She picked a yellow flower from the ground and walked over to a bridge which she had seen in the distance.  When on the bridge, she stood on her tip toes to look over the side and into the water. Realising she would never be able to see, Alora then attempted to climb onto the side of the bridge. She was half way up when she heard a voice behind her,

"You know, you shouldn't really do that." Alora jumped and spun her head round. Behind her stood a much older boy than her with Golden curly hair. He also had blue eyes, like hers which glittered in the reflection of the sun. He wore a baggy light brown shirt and long brown trousers, which stopped just below his ankles.

"Why?" Alora asked, beginning to get down.

She landed her feet with a thud and a slight stumble, but quickly got her balance. Now that she was on the ground, she figured that the boy was about Ten years of age. He looked down to her before he answered.

"because, it's dangerous and you might fall down. we don't want that happening do we?" Alora looked up an him and shook her head slowly before she began to smile up at him.

"where am I mister?" she asked, not so polite, which is probably expected from a five year old. The young lad looked around a bit, then crouched down next to her,

"you're next to my families river little lass" he answered "and I think you're lost" he added, sounding slightly confused.

Alora pointed back to where she had come from,"That's Beewater, I come from that way" she said happily. The lad looked back at her,

"Do your mummy and daddy know you're here?" he asked, worried. The little girl looked down at the floor and shrugged, remembering she wasn't supposed to be there. The lad smiled down at her,

"come on, lets get you home little missy" He laughed "you want a piggy back?" He asked her, crouching down again. Alora clapped and began to cheer and she climbed onto his shoulders.

They walked down the pathway back to Bywater, Alora still on the lads shoulders. He looked up at the curly haired little girl,

"what's your name then?" he asked her, bobbing from side to side to make the little girl laugh.

"My names Alora" she replied before patting his hair,

"what's your name mister?" she asked him.

"My name is Master Meriadoc Brandybuck, nice to meet you Alora!" he said happily.

"Merridoc?" she said, confused. The lad laughed,

"You can call me Merry if you want" he said, looking forward to see the town of Bywater was just a few metres away.

They reached the main path a few moments later, which forked in several places. Merry stopped and looked around. "what's up Mister Merry?" he heard Alora say.

He looked up over his shoulder at her, "where do you live?" Alora Pointed up at a Hobbit hole with a red door and a bench in the front garden.

"there mister Merry, the red door is my house" She said giggling. Alora was quite a happy hobbit child Merry though, although most hobbit children were happy anyway.

When they reached Alora's door, Merry helped her down from his shoulders before knocking on the door. The door opened quickly to reveal a hobbit man of a big build with black wavy hair.

"Alora? where have you been? and who's your new friend?" he said, looking down at Merry and smiling.

"I'm Merry sir, I found your daughter wondering down near Brandywine bridge" He said quietly and politely. Alora's father looked quite shocked, he then looked at Alora and picked her up,

"what have I told you young lady? You must not leave Bywater!" he scolded before turning back to Merry.

"thank you lad for bringing back my daughter, you have a kind heart." he praised as Merry began to smile,

"It was no problem sir!" merry said as Alora's father began to shut the door. He was half way down the path when he heard a knocking behind him. He turned to see Alora in the window waving quickly and smiling at him. Merry smiled and waved back before he continued back down the path. 

LOTR: The problems with Thursday - Merry Brandybuck FFWhere stories live. Discover now