A date? - Chapter 12

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Merry nervously gazed across at the lass opposite him. It was Cynthia, the librarian he had met earlier. As he was waiting for Alora, the lass had approached him at the bar and offered him a drink. Now she was a slight it drunk, and throwing herself all over him. Merry felt quite uncomfortable, but hid it with an awkward smile. Then, for some unknown reason, the girl grasped his hand. Cynthia began to babble on about something, which Merry didn't understand. instead of asking what she had said, which would sound rude, he nodded his head and laughed. 

Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw her. Alora, looking at him like he had offended her greatly. Her blue eyes large and sorrowful. Merry's mouth curved into a smile to try and make things seem better, but then Cynthia happened.

"So you will go on a date with me again?!" she exclaimed, beaming widely. Merry looked at her in shock, Alora's face a picture of horror. 

"I-I dunno Cynthia..." Merry choked on the lump in his throat. Cythia's face fell. 

"But... you're not seeing any other lass are you?" she said, looking up at him. Merry fiddled with his hands and then looked up to where Alora had been stood, but she was gone. 

"No... I'm not." he sighed, Glancing back at Cynthia's freckle filled cheeks. She clapped her hands together happily. 

"So you'll come on a date?" she asked again. Merry was a million miles away, staring at floor. He felt himself nod slowly, not stopping himself. Then, Cynthia hugged him, Merry pulled away in shock , looking down at the lass who was burying her head in his chest.

"I think... you might be a bit drunk Cynthia..." he chuckled. She sighed and smiled again. Merry began to stand up and Cynthia reluctantly let go. 

"where are you going?" she stammered, looking across her shoulder as he walked away.

"I have to go now.. See you later?" he said quietly. Cynthia nodded enthusiastically,

"Yeah, shall we go for a drink on Tuesday?" she asked. Merry shrugged and then thought a while.

"make it Monday and sure!" Merry turned and walked away, as Cynthia continued to gaze back at him. 

Pippin had been stood watching his friend for a while, and felt confused. He walked up to Merry, who was now heading for the door. Pippin placed his hand on his shoulder, causing Merry to turn quickly. 

"A-Pippin..." he sighed. Pippin patted his friend on the back, 

"You okay Merry, usually you don't have the guts to talk to lasses... and when one finally talks to you, you look miserable!" He said confused. 

Merry then began to tell the shorter version of the events in the past few days. Pippin listened intently, nodding his head every so often to offer his opinion. After a few more minutes of talking, Pippin waved his friend off. He felt sorry for him, the girl his friend had fallen for wasn't allowed to love him, or maybe didn't even feel the same.

Merry headed out into the dark, looking around and back at the lass he had left at the bar. "Maybe this could turn out better than you think" he thought to himself. He sat on a bench outside the pub, the warm air blowing his curled hair gently. Merry closed his eyes, picturing himself sat in a field, with Alora. They were sat eating breakfast on a beautiful summers morning. Merry sighed loudly again as he continued to day dream. Suddenly he felt the bench move slightly, he opened his eyes and swung his head to the right. Merry's blue eyes widened and his pulse grew.

"So.. you say you need me, write me the soppiest letter EVER and then I see you with another lass. Doesn't that make you sound great!" a familiar voice said, quite sarcastically. Merry felt himself blush as Alora's soft blue eyes glared up at him.

LOTR: The problems with Thursday - Merry Brandybuck FFWhere stories live. Discover now