Dealing with death and love - Chapter 16

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Alora's eyes slowly fluttered open, her breathing heavy. Looking up, she saw that Merry's forehead was rested against hers, his eyes closed and a small smile tugging at his lips. Her heart race began to increase and she felt herself blush. She went to get up, but Merry had one arm around her waist and the other rested on the arm of the chair, so she couldn't move.

Alora sighed quietly and then attempted to sit up, making Merry shuffle a little. She looked down cautiously before trying again, and succeeding to get free. Alora padded through to her kitchen, yawned and scratched her head. She stuck the kettle on and then pulled three mugs from the cupboard. She went to pour the hot water into the third mug, and then stopped. 

The Memories flooded back to her mind, and her vision blurred with tears again. Her father was gone, laying cold in his bed, in the room next door. She saw her hands shaking slightly, and took a sharp breath, calming herself.

"It's okay Ali... Just... deal with Merry first." she said to herself, keeping her composure and brushing the small tears from her eyes.

She lifted the cups slowly and then walked into her front room. Merry was still curled up on the chair, sleeping softly. Alora smiled down at him, he looked so peaceful. He stirred a little as Alora place down the mugs on the small table. She walked up to him and crouch down, so she could look directly at him. She used the back of her hand to sweep the hair from his face, and then tucked his fringe behind his face. 

"Merry.." she said softly, causing his eyelids to flutter slightly. "Merry" she said, a little louder this time. Merry opened his eyes slowly, blinked and the rubbed his eyes.

"What time is it?" he yawned, stretching his arms as he sat up. Alora smiled across at him, and then  brought him the warm mug of tea.

"It's 10 o'clock Merry, on Tuesday Morning. You're at my house and-" she said slowly. Merry raised his eyebrows at her and half smiled. 

"I realised that.." he said sarcastically. Alora looked a little hurt by his words, and then Merry remembered why and what had happened while he was there.

"Oh gosh.. Ali I'm sorry..." he said apologetically. Alora waved her hand and then placed it over her again, trembling lips. 

"Ju-just don't remind me, please?" she stammered, holding back the tears in her shining, blue eyes. Merry sat forward on the chair and placed his hand on her shoulder. 

"You're going to have to talk about it soon... I mean, you're going to have to arrange a funeral if you can..." he said quietly. Alora gazed down at the floor, avoiding eye contact as she nodded her head. Merry put his hand to her chin and turned her head to look at him.

"If you don't want to.. I could sort things out for you? I know its hard enough on you as it is..." he offered. Alora began to smile sheepishly at him, as a tear rolled down her pale cheek.

"Thank you." she whispered, before hugging him tightly and crying quietly into his chest. Merry fell backwards a little with shock, but then smiled and wrapped his arms around her.

"It's okay Alora, I'm here for you." he said, resting his chin on her head. "I'll always be here." he whispered. 

It was midday before Merry left Alora on her own, and headed back into Hobbiton to arrange Gaellyn's funeral. Although he hadn't really organised anything along these lines before, he knew who he would have to talk to and persuade to help. By the end of the day, he had near enough organised everything for tomorrow, whilst visiting his mother to re-assure her that he wasn't missing or dead. 

"I think... I'm going to stay with her for a while.." he said as he began to walk out his front door. Merry's mother nodded slightly as she looked up at her son.

LOTR: The problems with Thursday - Merry Brandybuck FFWhere stories live. Discover now