Forbidden memories - Chapter 4

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Alora walked up her gavel path way, a smile on her face and her heart still racing from the memory of Merry's eyes. She peered through her front window to see if her father was still awake. The fire was now cinders that glowed orange and she couldn't see any signs of movement. Alora pushed open her front door as quietly as it's hinges would allow her. She cautiously stepped into her hallway and closed the door silently behind her. Alora turned to be met with the sight of her father stood leaning against the kitchen doorway , making her jump out of her skin. 

"Do you know how late it is?" he scolded, walking up to her and taking her satchel from her shoulder. Alora shrugged and looked up at him. 

"I guess I just got carried away..." she said quietly, suppressing the smile she wanted to show. Her father shook his head in disapproval before hanging her satchel on a coat peg and handing Alora a cup of steaming hot tea. Alora looked up at her dad and smiled softly, "I'm sorry I got home so late, It's just... I haven't been out in so long." She looked down at the floor.

Her father walked up to her and hugged her tightly. "It's ok Alora, I understand. Who knows, I might consider letting you go to the market for me this weekend." He said happily. Alora's face lit up as the thought of possibly spending more time with Merry appeared in her mind. Alora's father kissed her on the forehead before sending her to bed while her tea was stll warm. 

Alora crawled under her duvet and snuggled right into it as it warmed with her body heat. She looked up to her dresser where a portrait stood of her mother. In the picture, her mother had her light brown hair hung loose around shoulder length and she wore a light blue dress. Alora reached out for the picture and kissed it gentle before blowing out the candle which lit her room.

Although it was dark, Alora couldn't sleep. Everytime she closed her eyes, she saw Merrys bright blue ones staring back at her. She felt around for another pillow, which she then hugged close to her body. She held it as she pictured herself holding Merry and let her thoughts wonder, soon enough, she drifted into a gentle sleep.

 Merry awoke the next morning with the sunlight pouring through his window and bird song ringing in his ears. He rubbed his eyes and sat up, yawning in the process before he stood up. Merry ran his fingers through his thick, curly blonde hair and then got dressed. Merry chucked on a pair of brown trousers, a white shirt and a patterned orange waist coat. He then walked down to his dining room. It was quiet, the window slightly a jar. Merry noticed a vase of yellow flowers perched on the window ledge. He picked one up and smiled to himself, as it reminded him of the flower Alora had been holding when he found her on the Brandywine Bridge. 

"good morning Merry dear" he heard his mother say, causing him to spin round. His mother looked down at the flower he had in his hand and looked at him in dis-belief. "I see you like the flowers I picked yesterday" She laughed. Merry remembered he had it in his hand and quickly hid it behind his back. A light blush fell over his cheeks.

"I-I erm... Yeah they're nice." he stuttered, trying to keep a calm head. A small lump formed in his throat as he grew more nervous. 

His mother shook her head, "what's up with you this morning? you seem a little jumpy..." his mother questioned, looking him in the eyes and frowning. 

"Nothing Mum, I'm fine." He said, smiling slightly.

Merry suddenly remembered he had invited Alora to come to Hobbiton to see the library. His eyes grew wide, but not as wide as his smile did. His mother tapped him on the shoulder, making him jump back into reality. She held in her right hand, a slice of toast, which she was now waving in front of his face. 

"breakfast Mister" she said sternly. Merry took the piece of toast from her hand and began to tuck into it quite happily. After a few moments, his mother turned to him, "So why were you so late home last night? you weren't drunk, I know because you actually managed to open the front door." she chuckled to herself. Merry felt himself turning red, but his lips remained shut.

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