Merry's Letter - Chapter 10

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"Dearest Alora, 

I'm sorry if I did anything wrong that Thursday night when we met again after so long. If I truly did, I'm not sure, but I apologise for what ever it was. Maybe I was too forward, did I not get to know you enough? Anyway, I've written this letter to explain a few things. 

Firstly, the book which you hopefully found with this letter, seen as you are reading it now. This was the book I was going to show to you yesterday, at the library. But you never came. When I met you, you reminded me of a book I had once read. That is the book which I have sent you. 'Baltimore' It really does remind me of you, and I remembered it when we were and inch away from kissing.. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did when I read it for the first time. 

The other thing is, I wanted to say how I feel. 

I didn't realise that time 18 years ago, that meeting you would change my life, even change me. I know this is all too sudden and that you probably think this is really stupid of me for saying this. But I think I have really strong feelings for you. I know, I know we've only just met really, but there was something. something in the way that you talked to me first, something in the way we connected. I felt special when you listened to me babbling on about boats and maps, you actually listened for once. In the moments before we nearly kissed, I knew I wanted to be the only one for you. I wanted to hold you like no other could, closer than anyone else. I wanted to be able to feel your heart beat. Well, I say I wanted... but the truth is, I still want. I honestly have never felt this way about any lass I have ever met before. Your eyes. Your smile. Your perfect hair. The way when you smile, your cheek dimple. I wish you felt the same as me, because then... then my life would be perfect I think. You would be the girl who met my parents and they would be so proud of me for finding somebody so beautiful, not just on the outside, but inside as well. It would show them I'm not a fool who loves playing pranks on people with his best friend. Look, I'm not trying to pressure you or anything, I hope you understand that. I just needed to tell you, because I knew you would never feel the same. 

I guess it' was for the best that you never came, I was in to deep. I just rushed it didn't I? I'm sorry, and now Thursday may be the last time we ever talk, as I understand you don't want to see me again. 

Well, this is goodbye.. from one of the most foolish hobbits in the shire. 

You will have my heart, as long as the yellow tulips bloom beside the Brandywine bridge.

Master Meriadoc Brandybuck x"

LOTR: The problems with Thursday - Merry Brandybuck FFWhere stories live. Discover now