A Thursday in September Pt1 - Chapter 18

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Merry kept his word, and visited Alora as many times as he could in the months in summer. Over this time, their friendship grew stronger. Merry would bring her ancient maps to look at, or books he would recommend. One day, they even went on sailing on the lake. Alora had also become closer to Pippin, and now saw Ra as one of her closest friends. But still not as close as Merry. They shared everything. Everything apart from their feelings. Alora knew she still liked him deep down, but didn't know how to tell him. She was scared that he had deemed her as a friend and nothing more. But she couldn't have been more wrong. 

Merry himself, had fallen for her, big time. He felt his heart flutter every time she even smiled in his direction, and he couldn't quite catch his breath when their hands touched. But their relationship suddenly developed a little further. One Thursday in September, the 22nd to be precise. 

It was Frodo and his uncle Bilbo's birthday on that particular date. The whole of the shire was in up roar over such a huge occasion. Bilbo's 111th birthday.  Merry hadn't visited her in a while, and Alora was beginning to grow a little worried.

It was such a beautiful morning on that day, as Alora sat up in her bed. Looking out the window, she saw the sun's light just beginning to eat away at the tree tops. Alora yawned loudly before running her fingers through her thick curls. After a quick wash, and a light breakfast, Alora headed into Bywater.  She wore a dress of a deep blue, which had small embroidery of sliver running round the trim. She particularly wanted to visit the library that morning, as on her last visit, Cynthia had spoken of a map of Rhovanion. She was in desperate need to look at one, as after Bilbo's tales she desired nothing more than to look at a map of the realm where Mirkwood lie. 

Alora gently pushed open the door of the library, peering her head round before stepping in.

"Good morning Alora!" Cynthia greeted her with a warm smile. Alora waved at her happily, before rushing towards one book shelf in particular.

"Ah ha!" Alora exclaimed, reaching out and taking out a large book of maps. She flicked through the pages quickly, glancing down at the hundreds of different coloured maps that passed by. Closing it slowly, Alora smiled to herself.

"Merry would love this," she thought to herself as she walked towards the counter. Cynthia looked down at the book, and then back up to Alora.

"This for Frodo? or Merry?" she asked inquisitively. Alora looked up at her, slightly nervous as she remembered Cynthia did have feelings for Merry, many months to go.

"Merry... I said I'd get it for him.." she said, half smiling. Cynthia nodded slightly, her face a little sad. Alora looked at her, tilting her head to one side.

"What's up?" she asked softly, nudging her friend slightly. Cynthia looked up at her, a small smile on her lips.

"So you two are together then?" she asked quietly. Alora looked at her, a little shocked. 

"Whatever gave you that impression?!" she asked, sounding a little startled. Cynthia looked down at the desk and shuffled a bit.

"I just thought that.. ah never mind. It's just that you're buying him stuff and it's been so long since our date and you were mostly all he talked about an-" she went to continue, but Alora interrupted her.

"Wait, he talked about me?" she said, still a little shocked and confused.

Cynthia nodded slightly, and smiled at her widely. "I would've thought by now you two would be together, I mean, he really likes you. I could tell by the way he spoke about you." she nodded reassuringly. Alora blinked a little, before snapping out of her day dream.

"I-I'm sure it's nothing.." she stuttered, then paying and walked out of the library quickly, making sure to thank Cynthia.

 Alora began her walk home, quite slowly. Cynthia's words ran through her mind like a river. She thought they were together? were her feelings, no, his feelings that obvious? Then, it hit her. 

LOTR: The problems with Thursday - Merry Brandybuck FFWhere stories live. Discover now