Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

I jumped over a broken tree trunk that lay on the damp forest floor as I tried my hardest to run away from Jax. He had been hot on my heels for the last ten minutes as we raced through the forest. Before I had shifted, Jax told me to picture him as a dangerous rogue that wanted to attack me. At first, I thought it was a stupid idea, but the more I ran from him, the faster my heart pumped blood through my veins sending me through a whirlwind of adrenaline and panic. He was gaining on me and I knew at any moment I would be a goner.

"Now Storm! Let her take over," Jax yelled in my head, making me panic even more because of his urgent tone.

I held on a little bit longer, afraid to let my wolf control me. I was still weary of the sensation I felt when I wasn't in control. I had let my wolf take over three times in the last two days, but I didn't find it any easier to step back. Jax kept calling me a control freak and I couldn't help but agree. I could hear Jax's paws lightly hitting the ground as he pursued me and his breathing was getting louder as he got closer.

"Are you ready?" I asked my wolf.

She pushed forward straight away too excited to even answer me, so I just let go and gave her full control. Right at that moment, Jax pounced at my right side.  Before I even had time to register him, my wolf growled out loud and ducked, making us slide on our front paws. If I had been in control he would have had us.

I watched the trees blur past me from behind, glazed eyes as my wolf pushed on. That was one of the things I didn't like about letting my wolf take over. I could look around within the vision she was seeing, but I couldn't actually move my eyes.

As we made our way through the break in the trees, my wolf spun on her heels and grouched defensively as she prepared to attack Jax. The only noise I could hear was my own heartbeat and the pattering of paws lightly hitting the dirt as Jax sped towards the clearing. As soon as he came through the break in the trees my wolf launched at him, growling and grunting as she nipped at his neck. Jax bucked us off before quickly spinning around and slamming his two front paws down on top of our head making our face hit the ground. My wolf growled louder and louder as she struggled to get free, but Jax wasn't going to let us up.

"Enough." Jax said through our mind link.

My wolf grunted once more, before submitting to Jax's dominating pose.

"Coward." I called her, making her bark out loud in frustration. I pushed myself forward, taking back control right when Jax walked off with his back to me so I launched myself at him. I landed with my front paws over his neck and then grabbed a mouth full of his ear, as I held on for dear life making him yelp out loud.

"Ow Storm! Get off you cheat."

I let Jax's ear go as I laughed at his remark.

"Rule number 1; never turn your back on a wolf," I replied smugly.

I felt a little sad as we made our way back to Jax's car. Jax and I would go our separate ways tomorrow. I would be going to college and Jax would be going on his trip to Switzerland with Mitchell. I was a tad bit jealous that Jax got to go for a holiday, but I was mostly happy for him. My brother really deserved it and as much as Jax tried to hide it, I knew he was worried. I would be on my own in a new town for just over a week while Jax will be away. I would be landing in my new town at roughly six o'clock at night and then I will be catching a taxi from the airport and travelling directly to my new apartment.

It was nerve racking to think I would be by myself, but it wouldn't be for long. Kate left over a week ago to stay with her cousins and aunt that live an hour away from our college, and she would be meeting me first thing in the morning. I was happy about that. I had really missed Kate because she was always away seeing her relatives. Sometimes I envied Kate. She had such a big family and they were all really close, especially her Italian side. Even though I had Sam and Jake, I still wished for more. Sam was an only child and Jake only had one brother that joined the army when he was fresh out of high school. We didn't see him much.

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