Stick Together >> Newt X Reader

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Title: Stick Together

Paring: Newt X Reader

Sequel: yes, to "Survive?"

Warnings: yes, contains "end of the world" trope

Spoilers: make sure you've read The Maze Runner


Night had fallen. It was darker than any other you'd experienced in the Glade - the stars were gone, and there was no moon. There was only hushed, fear-filled murmurs from the boys hiding from the Grievers and the thrum of your heartbeat in your chest as you clung to Newt's arm, waiting the attack out.

You became more afraid with every passing second. How was that possible? But you trembled. You but your lip to stop yourself from crying, from making a noise that could give your group away to the Grievers. As much as you were scared, you needed to be the strong second in charge's girlfriend.

"Where's Alby?" You asked Newt quietly. It wasn't in the way he was quiet that made the answer clear. Or how everyone else's blank stares and empty feelings gave it away. Alby was gone. And that left Newt in charge. "Newt, what do we do?"

He turned to you. It was then you realised; the boy you had fell in love with, the one whose limp reminded him everyday of that horrid time, the one who never failed to bring a smile to your face or share some of Gally's liquid at a Greenie bonfire; that boy was gone. And left: was a man.

A scared man.

"I don't know," he whispered.

"It was Thomas' fault!" Gally screamed.

"Shuck you, Gally, how could the doors closing be Thomas' fault? He ain't the one with a remote control making them open and shut," Minho quipped.

"Yeah," Frypan backed up.

You turned from the hubub back to Newt, reaching to cradle his face, hold him close to you. The two of you had survived the Greiver attack. Many other boys hadn't. You were lucky there hadn't been any more casualties than there had, and for that, you wanted Newt to make sure he knew you were glad. But as you went to do these things, make sure he felt loved, he stood, and went to break up the fight. You didn't think as you moved to follow him as he went to lay justice and put Gally back in his place, but as you felt a hand on your arm - Teresa's  - your mind snapped back.

If you had taken another step, Gally's fist would have hit your head. Hard.

"Thanks," you whispered, "I -,"

"Don't mention it," she murmured, "Just looking out for you."

A wash of relief filled you; after living through a night like what all the Gladers had, the prospect of being hit by Gally to top it off would be the worst thing you could think of. "I mean it, Teresa, thank you." You turned and hugged her, feeling the pair of you take a deep breath - probably the first proper inhalation since the terror-filled nightmare of a night that had cost the lives of so many Gladers.

"You'd do the same for me, admit it," she smiled playfully, withdrawing from the embrace.

You nodded.

"_______, stay by me, I don't want to loose you," Newt called to you.

Jogging over to where Newt stood, you sidled up with him, resting your head against his side, doing your best not to shiver from both the cold weather that had set in and the fear of the unknown prospect of the future. "I'm afraid." you mumbled, hoping he wouldn't have heard you. He was the leader now Alby was gone. There was no way to admit otherwise. He didn't have the time to deal with your fears.

"It's okay, ______," he turned to you, kissing the top of your head, "We'll make it through this. I promise, we will. We love each other too much for anything bad to happen."

You smiled to yourself, and looked up into his beautiful eyes, now filled with an overwhelming amount of responsibility, concern and care. "That's true, Newtie," you kissed his shoulder, and reaching up, tugged his hair so you could reach his lips to kiss.

"We just need to stick together," he took a deep breath, "That's how we'll all survive."

"Yeah," you agreed. "Even if the Maze is scary and Gally's a hard-headed shuck-face, we'll stick together."

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