Sympathy >> Gamora X Drax

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Title: Sympathy

Paring: Gamora, daughter of Thanos X Drax the Destroyer

Warnings: none

Spoilers: you should know which movie you should've seen for this by now


Time passed; Gamora banded with Quill, Rocket, the tree who constantly reminded all he was Groot even when unnecessary and Drax.

Since the experience in the boiler room, and then later, when the rage for his passed family had consumed him to the point where he had almost killed her - once more she had been dragged out of her cell, once more interrupted by Drax and oddly, saved by Peter Quill's fast talking - she hadn't been able to look at The Destroyer the same.

After taking down her boss, Ronan, Gamora looked around the battlefield and the scattered inhabitants of the planet. She's saved them, with the help of the unlikely assistance of the team, or as Quill had put it, 'the guardians of the galaxy'.

And her eyes settled on Drax. He'd battled and won against the man who had killed his wife and daughter. Yet he looked crestfallen, silent and almost saddened.

Gamora watched as he petted the perky ears of Rocket - Groot had just died for them all, and she understood that some beings couldn't bear the concept of death - and waited until the pair of them had parted ways.

She felt the gaze of Drax upon her and she cleared her throat as she heard the crunch of rubble as he neared.

"I'm sorry for your family," she whispered, almost inaudible.

Drax nodded. "I have passed the grief," he looked away, and Gamora, completely unlike herself, put a hand on the bare arm of The Destroyer.

"You don't need to be alone," she murmured. "My family were killed too. I was made to watch, and -,"

She was interrupted by the sensation of something connected to her mouth and it was then Gamora realised that she had been shut up by a rather adorable Drax via kissing. She broke away, and gave him a questionable look.

"Was it not pleasing?" he speculated. "Do not women enjoy -,"

She shushed him with another kiss. "I thought you wanted to kill me," she frowned, "ah well, can't say I'm not disappointed."

La fin

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