Interlude >> Gamora X Drax

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Title: Interlude

Paring: Gamora, daughter of Thanos X Drax the Destroyer

Warnings: Slight violence

Spoilers: None...if you've watched Guardians of the Galaxy


She woke with a sudden movement in the night, and stirring, she felt the clasp of hands over her body. Gamora wanted to scream for help, but did not because of it sounding weak. She wasn't weak. But she was in a compromising position with more than eight men.

"Shhhhh," she heard the lizard man hiss, "don't want to wake the others..."

She felt a hand clasp over her mouth and arms drag her from bed. Her reflexes ached to stab and hit and kick and kill the imbeciles but Gamora refrained.

Save your wildcards, she heard a stranger say sometime ago, maybe someone she had killed. It was a strange phrase, but apt.

They dragged her toward a desolate area of the prison, and after a second she realised it was a boiler room of sorts. She kept her head down, waiting for their torments to start up again.

Better get it over with.

But she saw the glint of silver and heard the scratch of blades and then her stomach dropped slightly. Gamora wasn't intimidated by butter knives and mere pocket blades - it made her ready to fight back.

"You work for Ronan," they snarled.

She wanted to go back to sleep, maybe kick all of their arses beforehand but he could see they weren't going to back down.

"She is mine."

The mice-like men squeaked aloud, and scurried back from her. Gamora wondered who it was; that idiot Quill she had tried to grab the orb from earlier didn't have that deep a voice, and no way did the raccoon or his tree have the vocal cords for it.

From the dimness of the edge boiler room came Drax the Destroyer, looking livid.

"Of course, O Drax," the lizard man hissed nearly silently. Gamora was on the verge of screaming and breaking necks. But she kept quiet. How did these men think they owned her? She was as free a prisoner in the jail as anyone else.

"Leave," he told the scum of the underworld. And like dust when blown, Gamora watched them disperse. She felt the eyes of The Destroyer on her face, and then his words slammed into her; "you didn't fight back. At all," she raised her gaze to see him puzzled.

"I'm not one for displays," she put simply. "Don't make a fuss."

"They had means to kill you," he levelled. "And you wished to go down quietly? The great Gamora, Ronan's lapdog?"

She gave a wry smile, raising a finger with a shake of her head. "I was to make them think I was not to fight back," she replied. "I am an assassin, Drax, I can get by. I don't need a man to clean up my messes."

From the shadows where Drax had entered, Gamora saw the face of Peter Quill and the talking raccoon, Rocket watching cautiously.

'Nothing to see, boys," she glanced to Drax, and gave a nod to all of them. "Goodnight."

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