Blackbird Fly >> Peter Quill (Star Lord) X Reader

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Title: Blackbird, Fly

Paring: Peter Quill (Star Lord) X Reader

Warning: none

Spoilers: none? Make sure you watch Guardians of the Galaxy.


The slight humming of the Milano as she glided through open space kept you awake - if it weren't for the clock by the bedhead you wouldn't have known it to be early morning.

Usually you could trick yourself into going to sleep with Terran lullabies, but: to no avail.

You silently crept from your crib onto the main deck, thinking everyone to be tucked happily into their bedsheets with good dreams.

"I am Groot!" The small potted Flora Colossus chirped as you passed him.

"Shhh," you whispered quickly, "I'm supposed to be in stealth mode."

You heard a snort behind you, "Well, you shouldn't be, _______, you're supposed to be asleep." You froze at the voice - caught so early in the crime! you internally lamented, and turned to see who it was.

The stubble-ridden bleary blue-eyed face of Peter Quill smiled as you have a squeak of fear.

"I - I'm sorry, I know," you whispered, playing with your pyjama sleeve. "I just can't sleep. And I've tried everything!"

With a tired chuckle, Peter frowned, "What about counting sheep...counting stars? Replaying the good parts of your day again in your head? Warm milk? Exercise? Reading until your eyes hurt?"

You nodded sadly. "Yes, to all...I've sung every lullaby -,"

"What about 'Blackbird'?" Quill queried.

You frowned. "The Beatles. No, actually..."

You were so tired you almost didn't feel him take your hand in his, he was so gentle. "C'mon, ______, I'll sing it for you, you need sleep."

"You need some too," you blurted out, not realising what you'd said until you had a bright tomato blush ripening your cheeks. "I mean - you're the look tired -,"

He bobbed his head, "I understand," he chuckled, leading you to the bedroom from which you had come, carefully tiptoeing so not to wake Drax next door up. Laying down, Quill somehow managed to continue to hold your hand and become the larger spoon, and once the pair of you had settled into the small cot, he began to draw slow circles onto the palm of your hand. That, and the steady thrum of his heartbeat beside you were enough to send you off to sleep but then Quill's voice began to rumble,

"Blackbird singing in the dead of night..." he whispered. "Take these broken wings and learn to fly. All your life, you've waiting for this moment to arise..."

But you fell asleep before the chorus had begun, and after a small smile, so did Peter.

"Goodnight, _______."

Blackbird, fly. Blackbird, fly. Into the light of a dark black night.

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