Jaime's Disappearance >> Logan Howlett (Wolverine) X Reader

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Title: Jaime's Disappearance

Paring: Logan Howlett (Wolverine) X Reader

Sequel: yes, to "Jaime the Dog"

Warnings: just a lost doggie. Don't get too sad.

Spoilers: none none none none


Logan frowned, and paused halfway through his lecture on trench warfare in the First World War to the senior class at Professor Xavier's school when his sensitive ears picked up a shrill yapping from halfway across the school. And from the other side of the school, and careful call of Jaime, here, Jaime...

She was missing.

Not ______. Her little chiahuahua, Jaime.

"Logan? Are you okay?" He snapped back to the class before him, and saw Rouge, or as she liked him as her older brotherly figure, Anna.

Quickly checking the clock to see how long the lesson had left - ten minutes - Logan declared he was fine, class was released for the day and that he had to go.

Following the yipping, Logan managed to make it to the elevator that ran down into the lower parts of the mansion where the X-Men operated and Cerebro buzzed. As Logan hit the button to go down, the doors opened - and an agitated, albeit trusting chiahuahua burst forth as if a lion to battle.

"Jaime?" Logan was incredulous. "How did -," he began, but shaking his head, decided not to ask a dog how it had winded up in the elevator. "Just a sec, J. Gotta call _____. She'll be happy to hear from you."

"Woof!" Jaime's tail waggled as Logan hit speed dial.

"Hey - ,"

"Logan! I've lost -," you couldn't speak through the hiccups of sobs.

"_______, no, it's okay, yeah, I know you're looking for Jaime," he interjected over a hysterical ______ who sounded like she had waterfalls of tears falling from her eyes, "Yeah, you can say it's working out, me helping..." He grinned, trying his best to slowly break the news to you and hold the little chiahuahua firmly but not a breaking point, "I guess, yeah...here's someone who might know a bit about where they last saw Jaimie..."

"Please put them on, Logan..." you pleaded, teary. "I gotta find my baby."

"Yip! Woof!" Barked Jaime, and Logan felt a smile grow on his face when he heard your yelp of overjoyed excitement.

"I'm coming to where you are," he said into his cell, "don't move."

"I won't!" ______ giggled, and Logan could tell she was smiling ear to ear, "Be quick, though."

Logan grinned, ending the connection and making way to where ______ was. As he turned the corner, her face lit up like a newly made skyscraper at night.

"Jaime!" She cried, rushing forward to barrel her body into a hug around the chiahuahua and himself. "Thank you so much, I won't let her out of my sight, Logan, thank you..."

He chuckled, messing up ______'s hair affectionately. "You're welcome."

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