Chapter 15

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"Hey Robby! It's get to see you again," I exclaimed and hugged Robby after he opened the door to his apartment, aka my old apartment.

"Oh my gosh! Go figure why you can't make it into work! You look like you're ready to pop! What are you? 8 months," Robby asked shocked with his eyes opened wide.

I waddled into the apartment, "Yeah. And I'm not very thrilled about it. This feels like total torture, Robby," I complained.

"That's what love does to ya Chrissy! I can't believe you're only 8 months... You look like you're freaking 10 months already. It's just unbelievable," He said still shocked. He was in actual shock. You could tell because his face was an open book.

"Yeah. Haven't seen you in two months! Now you're only here because you don't want to be alone. But you know what? I'll take it though," He told me and sat down on the couch with me.

"Yeah, yeah. We should order the pizza right now! Or have you already ordered it," I asked and leaned into his shoulder.

"It should be here in about 10 minutes. I ordered our usual," Robby informed with a little smile on his face as he grabbed the remote. He changed put the TV on and flipped though the channels, deciding to stop on the Hawks game.

"Ohh! Come on Jonny! Go go," I cheered as Jonny made his way down the ice. He swiftly passed it to Kaner... And he was just slammed into the boards. He just fell on the ice. "Ow! Ohh Ow," I could feel his pain. Literally. Pain began to shoot throughout my body. Oh god. No. This cannot be happening.

"Yeah! That had to hurt! Patrick had to- are you Okay Chrissy? I know that hit looked rough but... He's up now! He seems to be fine," Robby was going off on a tangent.

"No... Robby! I think I'm going into Labor! Oh no. Oh god! Robby," I cried and leaned into him as pain distributed throughout my body.

"Oh god! You gotta be shitting me Chrissy! You can't be! You don't have a month until you're due," Robby practically screamed and jumped up from the couch.

"Ok, well... right now I don't think the contractions aren't all that close. I think I can wait until Jonny picks me up," I told him and let out a painful puff. .

"Oh god. Ok. You should text him now so he'll know to rush here after the game," Robby advised and gave me a little nod, "Is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable right now?"

"I... I just need to lay down on my back and have my feet elevated," I notified as I maneuvered myself so I was laying across the couch.

"O-Okay... What should I do until Jonathan gets here," Robby asked nervously as he stood in front of me, blocking the TV.

I pulled out my phone and texted Jonny without even looking up at Robby.


Jonny, when the game is over get pick me up ASAP. Baby is coming.

- Christina'

"Just keep me calm by talking to me," I told him and let out a shaky breath. This is actually really painful. However it's not as bad right now as when I'm having a contraction.

"Okay. So the company finally closed the deal with the Haslow's," Robby informed and plopped down in a reclining chair near the couch.

"Did you really Robby," I began with a little smile playing on my face, "That's great! It had to take a lot! I remember it took them forever two years ago to close with them on their vacation home!"

"Yeah! I know. It took even longer because you weren't there to double check my mistakes one the papers I had to write," Robby said giving me all of the credit.

I giggled despite still being in pain, "You don't need to give me all of the credit Robby! You do a lot of the work! You even own the damn business!"

"I know. But It's true! Without you I have to go to like 3 different people to get stuff finalized. It's just easier to go to one person who notices everything," Robby informed and smirked at me.

Another contraction hit me, "Oh god is the game over yet?! If it gets to be too much you're gonna have to take me. I don't want to overdo it and have that baby in the car."

We both looked at the screen and saw that they were doing a post-game interview with none other than Jonathan Toews. "Jonathan," I yelled at the tv even though I knew he couldn't hear me, "Get your ass over here! Now!"

"Hey, maybe you should text Kaner or Sharpy! They'll probably get Jonny for ya! He clearly hasn't checked his phone," Robby suggested and leaned forward in the chair to make eye contact.

I quickly pulled out my phone and shakily texted both Pat and Patrick. With in a minute we watched Jonny talking and then his attention turn to something else and his eyes go wide before he stumbled upon his words, "I-I'm sorry guys... But I gotta go... Uh Family emergency!"

The camera backed up along with the media and showed Jonny pulling on his suit and quickly running a comb through his hair. The Camera stayed on him as both he and Kaner rushed out of the locker room. Within seconds of that I got a text:

' 3/20/14

We're on our way. I love you!

- Jonny'

"He's coming now Robby. Thank you fo- Oh shit! Gah... Thank you for telling me to text Kaner," I thanked Robby as a contraction hit me right in the middle of my sentence.

After about 10 more minutes there was a rapid knocking on Robby's apartment door. Robby ran over and quickly opened the door. Jonny instantly dashed in and ran over to me squatting down to my level, "Are you ok? How far apart are they? When did it start? Oh god. I'm gonna be a dad!"

"Jonny," I advised, "I'm fine. But I think you need to chill right now, babe. I'm perfectly fine trust me. However, I'd really like to get going. Can we please go, Jonny?"

"I-I... Yes," He quickly jumped up and put his hands on my arms to help me up for the couch, "Robby, can you please help me get her down the stairs? I need someone to help keep her steady!"

Robby quickly nodded in agreement. When we got down stairs Kaner was waiting in his car. Jonny got me up into the back seat and sat next to me. Soon enough we were off to the hospital to FINALLY get the baby out of me.


Hey guys,

Thanks for reading!!

- JJ :)

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