Chapter 10

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"Have fun with Jon at your appointment," Robby told me as he gave me a quick hug. He then moved both of his hands to my shoulders, "I'm really proud of you Chrissy."

I looked up at him with a proud smile on my face, "Thank you. I-I didn't really have much of a choice though." Robby was in shock to find Jonny and I on the couch together when he got home last night.

"Alright! Bye Robby! Do you want me to call you like the second that I find out the gender," I joked as I pulled away and walked into the kitchen and poured myself a cup of Coffee.

"Uh yeah," He replied seriously as he was ready to walk out the door, "Please do, Chrissy! This is huge! I want to know if I'm having a niece or a nephew! That kid is going to be spoiled, not only by Jonathan... But by me!"

I laughed, "I know that you'll spoil it rotten... Because that's what you do! You're a great older brother to Taylor! I think you're all good! You'll be great Uncle Robby!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! Alright see ya Chrissy! Good luck," Robby told me with a little smile as he gave me a stupid little wave goodbye.

"Bye! Thank you Robby," I called as he shut the door. I put my phone on the docking station and hit play. As some really good song came on I began to dance around the kitchen and make myself breakfast. Once I was done cooking I sat down at the tabled and ate, with the music still on.

The door swung opened revealing Jonathan, "Do you have the music loud enough Christina?" Jonathan walked over to the docking station and turned it down really, really low before coming over and sitting down next to me.

"No, no, I didn't," I joked as I took a bite of my eggs, "How are you today?" I leaned over and placed a kiss on his muscular jaw line.

"Eh... Not bad! Practice was pretty brutal today. And then I had to deal with the guys prying about why I had to go so quickly. I don't know when to tell them. And I mean we don't have to talk about it now... But we should soon. They're going to need to know. The only other people that I've told are Management," he informed as he looked over at me and let out a sigh, "Well... And Kaner... He's the one who was joking to me... He said that you may be hiding because... You're you know? Pregnant. Please don't be mad."

"It's ok... And you can tell them whenever you want, Jonny. You're a free man. It's your baby too! You have control with what you do with our baby," I told him taking my forkful of eggs.

"By the way do you want to do lunch with Kaner today? Since he's the only one who knows," Jon mentioned as smiled slightly.

"Uh sure! I'd be happy to... Especially since I'm not in hiding anymore," I replied and ran my hand over my stomach.

His eyes focused on my stomach, "Aren't you showing quite a bit for 5 months? When Abby was pregnant with Maddie she wasn't showing quite as much as you are!"

"Well," I sighed as I put the plate in the garbage, "Not all women are the same when it comes to pregnancy. And who is Abby again?"

"Oh! She's Sharpy's wife! She had their daughter like... 9 months ago. He's a great father... I have a feeling that I'll be going to him a lot for advice. I'll probably be a little iffy at first," Jon admitted as he let out a little chuckle.

"We'll both be in the same boat Jonny," I joked as I sat down next to him and placed my hand on his forearm.

He grabbed my hand with his other hand and looked at me before bringing my hand to his mouth, kissing it, "You started calling me Jonny... Like yesterday... Why yesterday?"

I looked at him and smiled, "Well, I feel like... we only started... to be close starting yesterday... In a way... There was... Closure? Without it actually being closure. So much was taken off of my chest."

"I get what you mean... But... I just... I can't call you Chrissy yet... I just don't feel, what's the world, loyal enough to call you that," He whispered as he continued to hold my hand.

"Whenever you're ready baby," I mumbled before gazing past him and seeing the clock, "It's time to go Jonny. You are driving, correct?"

"Yeah! Let's go I do not want to miss this appointment! I want to see our baby for the first time... I haven't seen it yet... But... I know I love it," He replied and pulled me up from my chair, wrapping his arms around me. I took in his beautiful scent.

Soon enough we were at the doctors checking in. Jonny and I joked around as we just sat there until a nurse called my name, "Ms. Hime!"

Jonny and I stood, walking over to her, "Hello! How are you two today?" She had a large smile on her face.

"Very good," I mumbled. Jon seconded it.

"Alright! So how have you been Ms. Hime? Any sickness? Soreness," I shook my head and sat down on the table in the room that she directed me to. Jonathan sat down in the chair beside the table.

"Uh yeah. I have swollen ankles otherwise everything's been normal thus far," I replied with a little smile as I swung me legs back and forth.

"Alright then. Doctor Fischer will be in in a few minutes," the nurse informed as she made her way to the door leaving Jonny and I to each other.

"So, we haven't really talked about it... Do you think it's gonna be a boy or a girl," Jon asked as he leaned over and placed his elbows on the table grabbing my left hand.

"Oh I don't know. But I've always wanted a boy... But I mean... I'm just happy as long as it's healthy. What about you," I told him with a little smile.

Jon smiled back up at me and rubbed the pad of his thumb on the back of my hand, "I completely agree. As long as it's healthy.... I'm happy."

"Good," The mentioned just as there was a knock on the door. Doctor Fischer then opened it, revealing his face. He had his usual smile displayed on his face.

"Hello, Christina! Oh, I see you brought a guest today," he greeted as he came over and shook both of our hands.

"Dr. Fischer... This is Jon, the father," I confirmed as I nodded over to Jonny.

Fischer leaned over and shook Jon's hand, "Nice to meet you Mr. Toews! My son is a huge fan, although his favorite team is the Nashville Predators."

Jon's face was priceless of surprise, "Oh... Well... I'm... Flattered?" Fischer and I both laughed at Jonny's bafflement.

"Haha, alright... Now let's get on with this appointment! You know the routine Ms. Hime," Fischer informed with a smile as he turned on the machine.

I did what I was supposed to do and I looked up at Jon, "You ready to see it for the first time? Don't faint like I nearly did the first time." Jonny just smiled at me.

Before I knew it the doctor was putting the gel on my stomach and pushing the wand to it. After a few seconds the picture became clear. There, it was such a beautiful baby.

Jonny went back to holding my hand and whispered, "I-It's so, so beautiful... My god." He was looking at the screen in complete shock. Instead of looking at the screen I just watched his face. Jon looked so into it. It gave me such a warm feeling inside. He really does want to be here.

"Alright you two... Do you want to know what the gender is," Fischer asked looking up at us with a smile on his face.

"You're going to have a..."


What do you think they're gonna have?!?! :o

Thanks for reading!!

- JJ :)

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