Chapter 7

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A week and a half later I was just about ready to go in hiding. I was sporting a little bulge in my middle section. My stomach was normal last night. Now... It's... GAH! Why?! I mentally thanked myself that Jonathan was away for a preseason game in Minnesota.

"Robby what should I do," I asked walking into the kitchen in pants and a bra with my shirt in my hand, "I'm showing and... Jonathan CANNOT know. Robby. What the fuck do I do?"

"Well maybe you shouldn't have even fallen into the trap of wanting to be with him. If you want my view on it... I'd say that you just should tell him or 'break up' with him... Why don't you want him to know Chrissy," Robby asked as he sat up on the couch and, "Oh wow did you pop out over night? You're showing... You weren't showing last night."

"I know... And I just... I can't tell him... I just can't. Now that I'm actually starting to care about him it feels like when he finds out that he'll just walk away... And it seems like that more and more I care about him... It'll hurt more. I just... I can't. What should I do Robby? I can't take a chance of him seeing me," I mumbled as I looked down at my bulging stomach.

"Well.... This is the beautiful thing about where we work. You, my dear, could work from home whenever he's in town for games... And You could schedule your appointments for when he's out of town as well. And... He's out of town today so for all I'm concerned you can go to work," Robby replied as he got up from the kitchen table and walked past me with his bowl, patting me on the back.

"I guess that's what we could do," I mumbled as I pulled on my work shirt and looked down at my stomach, "God... I feel and look so fat right now. Don't I Robby? Gah. Why did Jonathan Fucking Toes, yes Toes, do this to me?"

"You look just as beautiful as you always do Chrissy! And what he did to you is a beautiful thing. And I think you should really tell him... Before he finds out on his own and blows up on you. It'll be about 5 times as worse as if you'd actually tell him," Robby informed with a little smile playing on his face, "How let's go... I have to get some extra paperwork filled out this morning!"

"Fine," I sighed and grabbed a granola bar, "Let's go Robby."

I began to walk out of the apartment with him hot on my tail. "Chrissy, do you think you'll end of moving out? Or? Because I don't think our apartment is big enough for both of us and a baby."

"Yeah, I was thinking about that the other night... But... I still have another like 5 or 6 months so come to a final decision about it. But like... Do you want to get a bigger apartment together or like a condo? I mean if you don't want to its not that big of a deal. I can find a place on my own... After all I do work at a real-estate agency," I joked with a smile.

"Wait! You work at the real- estate agency? So do I! This is crazy," He joked with a little smile bumping his shoulder against mine as we stood in the elevator together, "But besides that... I'd be willing to find a new and bigger place with you. But I think you should wait... I think you should tell Jonathan too..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I mumbled, "Why are you the only friend I have here in Chicago?"

"Because I'm awesomely awesome," He joked and put his arm around my shoulder as we walked out of the apartment building.

Then my phone went off. I let out a frustrated breath and pulled out my phone without checking the caller ID, "This is Ms. Hime at Sweet Home real- estate. How may I help you today?"

"Gosh," The deep voice began, "you sound so hot when you say your little spiel for work."

"Gee, Thanks. How can I help you today," I asked as I let out a sigh and kept walking, my heels clicking on the cement of the side walk. Damn. I won't be able to wear heels soon... Once again why Jonathan, why? This is so stupid. Pregnancy is stupid.

"I was wondering if you'd like to do dinner once I get back into town tomorrow. I have a week without any games. Before the actual season starts," Jonathan's voice informed me with his normal serious tone.

"Tomorrow as in Tuesday," I questioned my eyes opening wider. He let out a little 'mhm'. I responded with, "Uh, I don't think so. I have to go to a business outing for work." I hate lying.

"Oh, Okay! How about Thursday? I know you have bowling on Wednesdays," He tired as he shuffled on the other end of the line.

"Oh.... Uh no Robby and I are going to be going to the Bears game that day," I lied, again. God, this feels horrible.

"Oh, alright... Friday for dinner," He was starting to sound desperate. I honestly feel bad for this.

I cannot lie to him. "Sure! I'll uh meet you there!! What place what time," I wondered aloud as Robby held the door to the agency for me. I walked in.

"I was thinking... My place? I'm having Sharpy, his wife and Brandon Saad over for dinn- OW! Okay, and Kaner over for dinner," He started, "And how about 7:00ish?"

"Sure! I'll be there! I've got to go now Jonathan, I'm at the office," I informed him as I walked over to my office door and unlocked the door.

"Alright Babe, I'll see you then! I'll text you my address when I get a chance," Jonathan informed with a smile in his voice.

"Bye Jonathan," I mumbled and sat down at my desk. 


Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! :)

- JJ :)

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