Second chance...?NO! [Cheater Levi x Reader]

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It's been two years since you and Levi got married. He proposed to you at your favorite place, (favorite place). A month passed as you were away on your business trip and trusted Levi with the house and him. You decided to give Levi a surprise when you reach home.

Upon arriving home, you silently open the door not wanting to spoil your surprise. At the door step, you witnessed an extra pair of famine shoes but shrugged it of as you thought it was meant for you. you went in and proceed on silently further into the house.

Reaching the Master bedroom, you heard screams coming from inside. Curiosity took over you as you open the door slightly to take a peak. But to your horror, Levi was fucking your best friend. Who also happens to be his secretary, Petra Ral. You whole world came crashing down. Sadness and rage took over you and you stomp out of the house slamming the front door, not caring if they heard you.

You walk towards your (f/c) car and got into the driver's seat. You insert the key to start the engine and drove. But something stopped you, to be precise, He stopped you. He was in his jeans and an unbutton shirt. He came by your window pane and shouted through it, "Please (y/n) let me explain. I can't live without you."

You, being kind, scrolled down your window only enough for him to hear you but not to see you. "I'm sorry. Do I know you?" You said coldly towards him, returning back to who you were before he came into your life. To Levi, his heart shattered. It took him 3 years to get you to open up to him and now, all his work and world came crashing down just because he fucked Petra. "Don't be like this (y/n). Don't leave me. I didn't mean it. Please let me explain." He pleaded you again.

At that, you couldn't take it anymore. You burst your feelings out, " Really, Mr. Ackerman? First, You managed fine without me for a whole month. I'm sure you can for the rest of your life. Secondly, HOW DARE YOU SAY YOU DIDN'T MEAN IT? You two were enjoying the pleasure. Admit it Rivailli, she did it better than I did right? Lastly, what do you have to explain? I have eyes. I saw it. CLEARLY!"

He didn't want to admit it but it's true. He decide to try again, "Please. I begged of you, (y/n). Just give me a second chance..." This time, rage filled you, "Firstly, your privileges of calling me (y/n) is gone. From now on you call me Ms. (L/n). Lastly," You took a deep breath and burst all out at him, "YOU? ASKING SECOND CHANCE? YOU HAD PLENTY BEFORE YOU FUCKED MY BEST FRIEND."

And just at the right timing, Petra came out of the house making her way towards the car. Slowly. "Levi! Who is it? Just ditch her already and let's continue the fun. Come on. Hurry up." Petra whinned, clinging onto his arm trying to pull him away from the car.

You, being cruel, purposely scroll down the window pane fully to let her see your face. After seeing her shocked face you asked her in a cheery tone, " Hey there Petra. Long time no see. Are you fun with my husband?" She stood there still not moving. "I ask you. Are. You. Having. Fun. Fucking. My. Husband." You questioned again, each word getting colder.

But Petra, obviously not reading the mood between you and Levi, shot back with a proud voice, "Of course! The way he touches my body and me rubbing against his friend. It makes the both of us turned on." The moment she finishes, Levi pushed her off him and you drove off.

You drove aimlessly for and hour until you decide to go to yeager's house. Since the Mr. and Mrs. Yeager are gone, the only ones occupying it was Eren and Mikasa. Eren had a crush on for the ongest time but Levi came along and stole it. Until now, he still loves you. Mikasa is your Best friend. She is just as protective of you as of Eren.

Upon arriving at their house, the one who greeted you was Eren. Seeing him, you hugged him and  broke down into tears. Eren panicked and told Mikasa to help him, to which she did. You told them the whole story of what happened that morning.

"That bastard! He's gonna be so sorry for making (y/n) cry." As said in the above, Mikasa got over protective and now she is raging. It took you and Eren a while for Mikasa to calm down. You then ask them if you could stay at theirs for the time being. They gladly welcomed you and you spent the night at theirs.

During the night, Eren came and joined you in bed as you kept crying due to your broken heart. He held you in his arms as you fall asleep. A few hours past and heard knocking coming from the door. Eren whispered curses at the person who knock on the door as it disturbed him from his sleep. Hesitantly, You, Eren and Mikasa got out of bed and opened the door.

Petrified, the person who stood at the door was none other than Levi Ackerman himself. Mikasa stood in front of Eren facing the door and Eren had you in his arms protectively. This action fumed Levi and he said in a threatening tone, "Let go of my Wife, Yeager." stressing on the word 'wife'. But this didn't faze Eren, "What makes you think that she wants to let go of me and go back to you after what you have done to her. I don't think so." After he spoke it was your turn. "I will get something delivered to your office tomorrow morning. But for now, you should run back to that slut and have you fun. Bye." you turned around pulling Eren into a room with you and slept.

The next day came quickly and Levi did as you told him to. He rushed to his office excited to see what you have sent him like a 3 year old child getting his birthday presents. He went in and saw a folder on his desk addressed to him from (l/n). He unwrap the folder and took a look at the paper he held. He read it. It is a Official Document. He knew it is over and they are never getting back together.

It is a Divorce Document already signed by you.


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