Accidents...[Levi x Reader] Part 1

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3rd pov

You are a the manager of the boy's Track and field team for over a year. Whenever possible you would love to help them, but there is a rule that you cannot break. And that is to not fall in love with the members of the club. But sadly, you fell in love with the captain of the team. Levi Ackerman. Despite his height, he has long legs that allows him to run at his greatest. he has always clinch the 1st prize no matter what kind of competition it is. Therefore, A.K.A. Humanity's Fastest runner.  Anyways, back to the story...........

Today was just like any other day, sitting at the side cheering for the boys to do their best in their upcoming competition. You sat there cheering until after training when the boy went to the changing room to change.

You stood at the side wiping the sweat away when Mikasa came up to you. "Hey (y/n). Levi forgot his towel, could you bring it to him? I don't wanna see his face after he ran past my brother while smacking him in the head. It pisses me off...." Mikasa said as an evil aura surrounds her. You gave her a quick nod and ran toward the changing room taking the towel with you.

Mean while, in the changing room...... 

Levi pov

The boys were chatting about the upcoming festival, and me thinking about my crush, (y/n), when it suddenly changed into a boys talk.

"Come to think of it, last year, You and Petra were already dating right?" Eren asked Oluo curiously as they were taking off their shirts. "We are! How do you guys even know?" Oluo answered while looking at them. ".......I'm so annoyed right now....."Eren whinned and continued to strip off his gym shirt. "I dont't wanna hear this kind of things........" Armin whines while reading his book."The don't ask..." Oluo said getting a little pissed. 

"Come to think of it, we bumped into you at the station yesterday right?" Oluo asked me as I was still wearing my uniform. I replied back with a nod and continued to button up my shirt. "Weren't you and (l/n) together?" he continues to ask. Well,... me and (l/n) live in the same direction so we go home together. Without waiting for my reply, Oluo continues to talk, "Are you and (l/n) dating?" This question took me by surprise. 

But before I could even answer, the entire boys said the same thing at the same time, "WHAT! REALLY!".  Armin who said didn't want to hear things things was the first to ask me, "Really Captain?!" the next was Eren, "When did this all happen?" with a hint of dissatisfaction in his voice and anger in his eyes as he said. Not wanting anyone to find out that I have a crunsh on(l/n), I spoke up with a firm tone. "We're not dating. We just happen to live in the same direction, so we always meet at train station." The noise level became low as some of them lost interest.

'At least my secret is save'

(y/n) pov

' wonder if Captain Ackerman is still in the Changing room...'

You thought as you pick up your pace and started to run towards the room. Upon reaching the room, you heard loud noises coming from the inside. Like...

"W-what!?"     "So disappointed in the Captain..."     "Giving us false hope..."

"IT  WAS YOU GUYS WHO ASSUMED!" Levi's voice was heard in the argument.

'It seems....... Lively?'

You thought to yourself as you started to hear voices from the room again.

"Like then, (l/n) definitely likes Captain right?"Connie's voice was heard.

'Is it that obvious?!' You start to panick.

"It's Pretty obvious." Armin's voice was heard as he said casually.

'What! How is that obvious!? HOW!?' You  mentally slap yourself again.

"When she talks to Captain Ackerman, you can see hearts floating above her head." Jean decided to speak up.

Thoughts filled my head as you cower in embarrassment.

'Why is the topic me....? And are my feeling towards Ackerman so easily seen? Are they SO OBVIOUS!' You mentally scolded yourself.

After the whole mini-conversation with your head, You then heard another voice coming from inside. It belonged to Oluo as he asked again, "So, Captain! What do you think of (l/n)?" "If you're already so close, you think she's cute right?" Jean *horseface* suddenly spoke up, taking an interest in the conversation. "If she confessed about it, would you date her?" 

Levi pov

"If she confessed would you date her?" Jean asked me. I stared at the floor, my mind still debating whether if I should tell them. After a while I decided to tell them a lie.

'No harm right? It's not like she's can hear us or something.' I thought as if it's a matter of fact.

"I've never thought about dating or anything" I told them a lie but said as if I really didn't care. 

But I've never knew that I'd be so wrong.....

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