Soar [Levi x Winged Reader]

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It was night time. You walked to the edge to the wall not caring if anyone on night patrol would see you or not because you're just a nobody. Everyone treated you like you're invisible.

You step at the edge of the wall. Your heart starts to feel light. You released your wings and felt like tons of weight being lifted off from you. You told no one of this as they would soon call you a monster or take you away for more experiments. Or even being pestered by Hangi for the rest of your life.

Your wings were of a different colour each. The wing on your right were in (black/Blue because i have no idea which is the right colour of their badge) and the other was white. It almost represents the wings of freedom you have on your green cape.

Tears fell as you remembered the times when your parents was taken away by the titans. You jumped off the edge and flew high in the sky, letting your (h/c) flow with the wind. You had never felt so free before your parents was eaten by the titans and you being taken away to be experimented on.

Once you were at a fairly good distance from the wall, you heard someone shout out your name. Looking back, you could see was a blur figure but you could make out some black hair flowing along with the wind.

You flew further and along the walls since you were scared if you got lost and could never return.  You flew towards a tree top and sat on it, watching the moon glow in the dark night. Luckily, the tree is at least 30 meter tall so you aren't scared of titans eating you. While watching, you suddenly felt sleepy, so you slept on the tree. 

Dreaming about a certain corporal....

Levi Pov

I was walking down the hallways trying to get my mind off about paperwork that Eyebrows gave this morning. Unexpectedly, while thinking, I found myself climbing up the stairs toward the top of the wall. 'Since I'm here, might as well enjoy the night view.' I thought to myself as I climbed.

Once I reached the top, I saw the most beautiful and fascinating creature that I have seen with my life. 'Wings...' I thought as I continue to stare at those wings, similar to the badge we have. My eyes followed those wings towards it's owner. And to my surprise, the owner of those wings belonged to a certain Cadet that I have taken a liking to.

Cadet (y/n). She has caught my eye ever since she joined my squad. Her smile... the way she laughs... every move she makes... 'Wait... What the fuck! What am I thinking! Stop thinking about her!' I thought as I mentally slapped and face-palmed myself.

I continue to stare at her as she bask in the moon's light. A tear fell slowly fell down her beautiful face.'Why is she crying?'  I approach her slowly not wanting to scare her. My hand stretched out almost catching the delicate figure. But the moment I grasped her, she jumped off the building and flew into the stary sky.

I watch her as she flew flawlessly like an angel. I continue to stare in amazement as I sub-consciously yell out her name, "(Y/n)!" She turned back for a second and continue to fly away. I continue to stare at her as she slept disappears from my sight.

'Might as well go to bed...'  Hesitantly, I force myself to sleep as I have insomnia.

But still,... I dreamt of her....

-time skip-

(Y/n) pov

'Today is the day I'm gonna tell him'

You walked towards the doors with his name written on it. You knocked on his door(I nearly wrote 'face' as I was thinking bout' it... lol) twice and a low voice spoke from the room. "your name and business." He asked -more like command- you. "It's Cadet (y/n). I wish to speak of personal matters, sir." You, fearing he cannot hear you, projected your voice. "Come in..."

Levi pov

She came in and saluted me. I also noticed that her wings are also gone from her back. "So, what is that you wish to speak to me of?" I ask her. "Well... It's more of a confession..." She says, slowly trailing off.

'Confession? Is she gonna confess to me?' My heart thumps for her again. My mind is now like 'Holy Sh*t! She's gonna confess! What should I do?' but my face is like 'I don't give a sh*t on what you're talking bout' (Get the feel? No...? No...).

"Speak" I gave a a -very demanding- reply. At my command, she slowly took off her brown jacket. 'Is she stripping?'

I gave her a look of Why-Are-You-Stripping and she just reply back with a Just-shut-Up-And-Look look. She looked down and whispered something which I cannot hear and wings started to appear behind her back just like last night. But something has changed, something more different. Golden horns started to grow from her head. 

3rd pov

"This is my confession... Corporal." You said, looking down. Ashamed, you start to think that you're ugly and worthless. The corporal's fist balled up, arms straight by his side. He was angry. Angry that you're pitying yourself. "Don't think like that! You're not ugly!" a shout came from the man. Surprised, you look up but only to find yourself being hugged by the corporal. "I know what you're thinking right now. Please don't think like that..." he slowly trails off at the end and pushed you gently apart so that you could look at him. "I know what you are. Human or not. You're beautiful and I'm gonna make sure I get it through your head."

But before you could even ask him about your 'true form', he interrupted you with his lips crashing against yours. You stood there shocked for a moment but kissed him back. His lips starts to lick yours asking for permission to enter, to which you gladly accept. his tongue darted into your mouth exploring his new found territory.

You both kissed for -who knows how long- and decided to break apart for air. After that, he corporal carries you bridal style. Shocked you quickly questioned him, " Corporal! Where are we-" but was interrupted by him -again-. "Drop the Corporal and Sir shit. Just call me Levi." He said giving you one of his famous smirks. "Okay L-L-Levi..." You said, stuttering along the way.

"Good girl. Now lets continue this in my bedroom..."

---You know what comes next and I'm not writing it---

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