Chapter 38

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I had been in the small building for almost a week and I was becoming restless being trapped here. I've learned these people are completely insane and don't know what the hell they are doing and really suck at being kidnappers. They also keep trying to convince me of outlandish nonsense that no way is possible by any means. Like trying to say there is a son that nobody knows about. Like being realistic who can a small group of people know, but nobody else knows about it like the press they would be over. I sat on stools eat a bowl of cereal as I heard footsteps coming up their stairs, yep great kidnappers leaving me alone, honestly I didn't have a good reason to not run, but I never made an excuse to run and go home. I guess it was kind of nice not doing anything for once.

"River!" I heard Chris say behind me as I turned around to see him and Aj who was actually a pretty funny guy, irritating, but funny followed by a few people "it's time to go home and we have to leave

"Oh so soon, I was just starting to enjoy myself here" I said sarcastically as Chris just shook his head

"Sorry about this" was all he said as I felt pain hit the side of my head and everything went dark

I wasn't sure how long I had been out, but I was woken by a strong smell of ammonia as I opened my eyes, I was sitting in a car as, Peta held a pack of smelling salts under my nose. My head throbbed where they had hit me with what felt like a shovel. Reaching up I felt the side that hurt and realized there was dried blood in my hair. Mumbling a few curse words at the pain and realized I was going to probably need more stitches in my head. Twice in a week those assholes cause a wound in my head. I felt a hand on my shoulder shaking me as I looked at Peta, who I realized was talking to me

"River, can you hear me" Peta said as I pushed his hand on my shoulder it was causing my head to hurt

"Yeah I can hear you, stop talking so loud my head is killing me" I said as he laughed

"Yeah you took a nice blow there, will get you patched up, what can you tell me" he said as I shrugged

"Not much, they were from that gang who house we raided the other night" I said yawning

"Well that was over a week ago, do you know you have been gone a week" he said as the dRiver took a turn pretty sharp and we both slid in the back seat to one side "try not to kill us will you" Peta shouted at the dRiver

"Yeah I know I was watching television the whole time" I said as Peta gave me a weird look "they weren't really good kidnappers" I said as he laughed

"Well that good, can you tell me where they are" Peta asked as I shook my head

"No, even if I could they wouldn't be there, their intention where to run after I was let go" I said as he looked at me strange again "like I said they weren't really good at being kidnappers" I said as I finally looked around the car and realized we were almost to the big house

Leaning back against the seat I waited for the car to come to a stop in front of the house where I could see numerous people gathered. I sighed heavily not wanting to deal with the interrogation to come my head hurt and I just wanted to sleep for a bit not be interrogated by the entire house. I could help, but feel happy at least I would get to see Jane, she drove me crazy, but I still didn't want her driving anybody else crazy.

"River let go, straight to Dante office" Peta said, getting out of the car,

I quickly followed him as people patted him on the back as they did to me, I just wanted to punch them. I'm not the person that likes to be touched by others for no reason. This wasn't really a good enough reason for me to granted being touched by people I didn't really know. I walked up the stairs as fast as I could have to go around Peta to avoid people until I was in the house where there are a lot of people but not as many as outside as I made my way down the hall where I ran into Mark who knew me better than most, who just nodded and followed me into the hall.

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