Chapter 37

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Before you read this chapter, there are something you need to know

1. We have about 15-20 more chapters left 

2. I feel some will be extremely angry with me when this book ends. 

3. There will be second book

4. The next few updates are going to come really fast next week 

5. this chapter is on the short kind of boring side, but the next wont be



There was a piercing pain in the back of the head, and my brain felt like it was pounding as I tried to open my eyes, which was really hard. The light was bright and as I tried to move my head as the pain was a slight irritation. I realized there are hands hold my head down in an uncomfortable angle as my eyes opened quickly and I tried to move. Moving my hand to push away whoever was touching me, but I was forcibly stopped by the restraints binding my hand to a wooden chair to the arms. Quickly, realizing my legs were also bond I could see that I was also strapped around my chest as another stabbing sensation pierced the back of my head as I tried to jerk away

"Stop fighting my I'm just trying to stitch up the hole in your head." I gruff sounding man said as he held my head down as I stopped moving "I'll be done soon try to stay still, just try not to move until I'm done" he said as I tried looking around the room for the first time, it was too dark to see much outside the light that was shining down on me

"What happened, where am I and why the hell am I strapped to this chair" I said I realized my mouth was incredibly dry as another stabbing pain pierced my head

"You were hit in the back of the head with bottle, you need some stitches, the restaurants are for my safety as others" he said as I tried my restraints again seeing if any were loose.

"Where am I?" I said, irritated "where is Jane?" I said, struggling as I heard the scissors snipping something

The man didn't say anything after that, he realized my head as I finally lifted my head and tried getting out of the restraints again. I could hear him doing something behind me as I looked around the room again, this time with a better view. It was small, a door was in front of me that was closed, there was a table behind me that must be metal cause the person behind me was causing it to make sounds with whatever he was doing. The restraints looked like those you would find in a hospital room to restrain crazy people. Meaning they're not generally easy to break out of without something sharp. The man walked in front of me and pushed my head back and shone a light into my eyes.

"You were hit pretty hard, dizziness, loss of memory, vomiting should be expected the next few days, in a two weeks have the stitches removed by a doctor also check for glass shards I did the best and think I got them all, but this isn't the best facility" he said

He picked up a bag on the ground and started walking toward the door and hit the door three times as he watched my it opened quickly as I heard him speaking as he quickly left the room, but the door didn't close as I tried to see out of the room, it was a type of red brick building. A man walked and turned on the light and more light filled the room, which I could see a small metal coat was sitting next to me and the man stood near the door as I looked around the room. He came bit closer as I realized he was a bit older I would say late 20 or early 30's in age. He looked familiar, but I can't say from whereas he stood in front of me where he placed a chair and sat down still at a distance

"Where is Jane?" I said in a serious tone I need to know where she was

"She's safe at that big mansion she lives in" he said in a flat tone

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