Chapter 3

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A/N: That's what Justin looks like. You know every chapter i'm going to post a picture of the people and be like THIS IS WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE because I don't know about you, but I like visual representations of my characters. (Yes, it is young Josh Hutcherson I couldn't find anyone else. Plus he just looks annoying, like Justin. So.)

Today is the day. Where I have to sit with my family and sign things and take picture from 9 AM to 6 PM. Sounds really fun doesn't it. At least all i'm doing tomorrow is doing a panel. Usually all people ask is:

What is it like to be a parent so young?
Dan what did you think when you got her pregnant?
Lizzy would you say that you were raised good? You know because your mom was 13?

Then they will go on and ask even more stupid questions. I'm not trying to bash my fans, I love them and all their support but sometimes they can be a pain in the ass.

Today I'm also going to confront my mom about why I heard her screaming at dad last night, then i'm going to tell her about how I feel. I looked it up and they said that I had depression, but I mean I looked it up on the internet. The internet.

"Ready Lizzy?" My mum asks, knocking on the hotel rooms door. I close my laptop and stuff my phone in my back pocket. Olivia and Mia already went with dad so it's just going to be me and mum.

I open the door, nodding. "Have your key?" She asks. I nod and close the door. I follow her down the hallway and into the taxi that is outside. 

"I have a question and you have to answer me properly because I am 13. I can understand things now and you can't hide from me, okay?" I ask her. She nods, fastening her seatbelt. "Last night I heard you and dad fighting."

"Oh god Lizzy I don't want to get you into these things." 

"No listen to me I'm worried about you and I want to help. I'm your daughter and I don't want to see you guys fight." 

"Well, you know that me and your dad have been together for a really long time and its just a thing where he have disagreements." 

"I know it's more than disagreements." I say. She's silent. "Never mind. It was stupid." The rest of the ride to Vidcon is very silent.

We finally get to the building and go find dad. They don't hug or anything, like they would usually do if they saw each other. I walk over to Uncle Phil and Aunt Ivy.

"Can I talk to you guys. Alone?" I look over at my siblings who are sitting beside them.

"Look after them." Phil says, getting up and guiding me a little farther away. "What's up?"

"Mum and Dad were fighting last night. Like I could hear them screaming at each other. It sounded bad. When I tried to talk to mum she just said they were disagreeing. I've been feeling different but I don't want to bother them because they have their own problems."

"How long has this been going on?" 

"I don't know. They were fighting like a month ago. More like bickering...Anyway." He smiles.

"I'll fix it. What do you mean that you've been feeling different?"

"Can we talk when we're back at the hotel? I don't want to talk here." I say. He nod, then bends down and hugs me.

They open the doors for the fans to come in about 5 minutes later. Instead of a table, like most people get, we get to stand up! There's security on either sides of us in case a fan goes crazy and tries to kill one of us, which probably won't happen. Who knows.

"Look happy please." My dad says, patting my back. The first fan comes up.

An hour later they let us go which is a blessing. I've hugged so many people my arms don't move, and I've taken so many pictures my lips don't move anymore. The rest of my family look happy and ready to do more, but i'm completely tired out. 

My parents told me to walk around a bit and visit some of our family friends, but I just went and sat in the corner because fuck that. I can talk to Shane Dawson on the phone any day. I put my headphones in and listen to Car Radio by Twenty One Pilots. I don't know what it is but that song just helps me. The lyrics are deep if you actually listen, and that's what I like about them. They don't just spit out random words like Kanye West would do. Not trying to offend people, but I mean have you guys actually heard him sing Bohemian Rhapsody.

"Elizabeth Howell?" I hear someone ask. I look up, pausing my music. It's Shane Dawson's daughter. He ended up with Drew Monson and they adopted a 14 year old last year. Well, she was 13 last year.

"Hey. It's just Lizzy." I say, smiling. I stand up, putting my phone in my back pocket. "And you're Ari Dawson right?"

"Yeah, I really like your family." She says, kind of shyly. I laugh.

"I like yours too." 

"I came to ask if you would like to go out with me and a few of the older YouTubers. We're going to this place called Billy Bob's Wonderland or some shit." 

"Yeah, sure sounds fun."

"Okay, we'll be waiting in the lobby of the hotel. 8:00, See you there." She smiles, then walks away. God am I glad that I got a room to myself.

A/N: DUNDUNDDDDUUUUNNN! Will something bad happen to her? IDK myself because I don't plan what I write, as you all know. It just comes from my brain and to my laptop. Lmao that was cheesy bye

Lizzy (The third book in the 12 and Adopted Series)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora