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This is some sort of epilogue thingy and it is going to give you guys some insight of the character's life after Luke left the "I am in love with you" bomb.

No P.O.V and last chapter.

The air was cold. Snow was falling, people were rushing to go somewhere. To meet someone, to get away from someone else. Or just rushing to get away from the storm.

Somewhere among those people a young student was looking at a bookstore's display. She was considering what gift to take for her excessively smarter brother who was coming home for Christmas.

Her mind wondering which book he may prefer better. Completely forgotten about her life almost a year ago. She didn't want to remember. She had pushed every thought and every comparison away. Something that if you think about is really hard to do when someone you try and want to forget is an uprising star.

Talking about uprising stars, they were coming home. After almost a year away the -now- famous 5 seconds of summer were returning home to their families and friends. Ashton and Luke decided to talk things out; for the sake of the band so now they were in okay terms. Mostly because Luke realised that it wasn't Ashton who caused the break up between him and Feya but the fact he lied to her. And sooner or later she would find out. And the outcome would be the same.

Feya was walking home - to her own apartment - when she got a text from Michael telling her they were back and that he wanted to see her. At first Feya felt ecstatic. Then she realised who else would come back.

The guy who just 5 days before he left said he was in love with her. There were a lot of times she wished she hadn't spend those 5 days with him but she did. They were either staying in bed all day or going out for food or doing other stuff. But that didn't change the fact that he got in the plane and flew a whole ocean away.

Michael was her friend though and either way she wanted to see him. So they started texting. Where to go, where to meet, who else is coming along, etc etc.

Luke himself wasn't in any different position than Feya. He missed the days they spent together but then again he is certain she will know every small effort he did to forget her. That was either a blonde effort or a brunette one, but every time he tried to keep it quiet; somehow people found out. So did Feya.

Without even realizing all four boys were driving back to their houses and their families while Calum was arranging to see Anna and Michael was trying to find a way to meet Feya. The other two boys were silent. Not talking to each other or looking at each other at all.

After they spend their nights with their families they decided they would meet at Michael's house, like they used to, and then just go for coffee or out as a group like they used to do last year.

First to arrive at Michael's house was like usual Feya.

"I can't believe that you're here" was the first thing Feya said to Michael the minute he opened the door and she hugged him.

"I missed you too" Michael said laughing. He had changed since the last time Feya had seen him. His hair was a different colour and he actually had a tattoo or two but mostly he looked happy. And happier than he usually looked like.

They spent a good 15 minutes of constant talking and laughing until Michael left to the kitchen to get then something to drink as they waited. And then the bell rang.

"Can you get that please?" Michael called from the kitchen and Feya - after answering him - got up and opened the door.

A very smiley Calum with an equally smiley Anna stood there and after they said their haloes they walked inside leaving room for Ashton to come in.

He didn't say anything. He just gave her a weak smile and she smiled back.

Feya wasn't mad. The break up was inevitable. One way or another it would happen.

They all got back in the living room and the only one missing was Luke. Until of course the bell rang again.

This time Michael opened it and Luke came in; his eyes looking for her because only god himself knew how much he missed her.

Ignoring everybody else he sat next to her.

"Hey Red" he mumbled and smiled. Feya herself couldn't help but smile as well.

"Hey yourself, hoodie guy"

That's it. No more updates. It is finished. Ahh.

You can think whatever you want about them. Do you want them to fall in love again? Sure.

Be friends? Fine by me.

But know this. I never had any intensions of ending this story with leaving them together.

Two people so alike can't co-exist. They just had moments.

And then they faded.

Thank you for reading, commenting, voting and getting this story to where it is today. It's been officially a year of me writing this and I feel proud even tho it has it's flaws.

There may be a prequel or sequel. Haven't decided yet but tell me if you would want it.

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