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"What are you doing? Are you crazy?"

"Come on it's nothing I haven't seen before" Elliot said chuckling and looking at me from head to toe. In any other circumstance that would be weird but okay but now...now well it's not considering I only have a towel covering myself.

In my defence I was getting ready for that date with Luke but Elliot came in my room while I was still in the shower. I come out and, oh(!) there is Elliot waiting for me, making himself feel like home.

"And your point is?" I asked grasping the towel on my hand. He just shrugged his shoulders.

"Here" he said and moved his hands up to cover his eyes, pretending to not look.

"What are you 5?" I asked in annoyance and quickly walked to my closet, grabbed a pair of unwear and whatever clothing I found close to me and stormed back in the bathroom, closing the door and changing in record time.

I was impressed myself.

After that I went back in my room and he was still there with his hands over his eyes. Without thinking this through I went up to him and lowered his hands. He smiled but that was shortlived since my hand flew up and I slapped him.

"What was that for?" he asked with anger evident on his voice.

"You don't have the right to come into my room like that" I said and took a seat on the chair across from him. I crossed my arms in front of my chest and waited for some sort of explanation or at least why he was in my room in the first place but all he did was rub his cheek, which by the way was not even red.

I swear he's such a drama queen.

"You're not going to speak, are you?"

"Well I was but my confidence was quickly shattered" he said and looked straight into my eyes. Normally, every other time his eyes would make me want to kiss him but I don't know why or how - and I'm not going to question it - it was like things went back to how they were suppossed to be.

He's just my friend. Like he should be from the beginning. Like he said he would and chose to keep his girlfriend.

"I broke up with Alex" he stated and looked at me expectandly.

"Congrats?" what was I supposed to say? Or do for the matter?

"Isn't that what you wanted?"

"Maybe a year ago. I moved on. You never liked me. You had said it yourself, it was fun. Just fun. Well fun ends" I said in the world's best poker face.

I should have done that so many months ago. Or I should have just kept my mouth shut. Never go by his place that stupid night that all of this started. I know this whole situation with me, Elliot and Alex was all my fault, entirely mine, and that explains why Alex stopped hanging out with us. Because of me.

She said I didn't only steal her boyfriend but her best friend too. Then she slapped me and walked away from the entire group. Except Elliot. She said she was in love with him but I guess the fact he kept coming back to me proved that he wasn't.

"What did you excpect from me exactly Elliot? To clap my hands happily and tell you that I love you? I never loved you because you didn't leave room for anything but your speech about being friends. Every sinlge time you said the same thing"

"I certainly excpected something else than that" he said with a pained expression.

"Can you please leave? I have somewhere to go" I said as I quickly got up and made a gesture that showed my bedroom door, telling him to leave.

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