Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Pain lurches through my body. I scream and collapse on the ground. Blood is everywhere. I moan in pain again and again wishing someone would come.

Then I am sleepy and I feel horrible. The bleeding's worse and my head throbs. Then the doorknob turns and someone is trying to get in. Sam.

I grab the knife again and cut again. This time I let out a scream that hurts my ears.

"Jess! What- no! Jess! PLEASE STOP!" Sam yells. Then the door bursts open and Sam comes in with Chandler.

They both gasp, then sob when they see me lying in a pool of blood. Sam runs to me and Chandler helps get me into my room.

"Why?! Jess!" Chandler sobs hard. Sam is crying and crying. Sam then picks up the phone and stutters into the phone. Ambulance.

Sam continues hurrying details into the phone, so I close my eyes. Pain is all over me, my hearing is dull and the world swirls around with me.

Chandler cradles me and begs me not to close my eyes. I nod and force my eyes open. But I can't keep them open for long.

I suddenly regret cutting my wrists. The pain is slicing through me, making it unbearable by the moment.

"NO JESS! DON'T! PLEASE STAY WITH US...NO!" Sam shouts at me while tears leak down his face. Chandler holds me and Sam cradles my face. I can't help it.

I close my eyes and fall into unconciousnous.

QOTD: Planes or cars?

AOTD: Planes ✈️✈️

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