Chapter 10 - Who's my daddy?

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Flora's P.O.V 

Things started to get better. Harry helped pay for Edward's stuff. Mrs Johnson would take care of Edward while I went to work, but it was low pay and long hours. I started work in a clothing factory. Where I have to make sashes for dresses. Its coming up to Edward's second birthday. He has started talking but he calls Harry daddy. Harry is a big help and everything but I don't want him to take Louis role. Edward would also ask who the man in my pictures is. I would always say its Louis and that he's Edward's dad, but he never believes me.

"Mummy." Edward said

"Yes darling?" I asked.

"Who's this man in the uniform?" Edward asked. He was pointing to the picture of Louis that he sent me.

"That's Louis. He's your daddy." I said. Edward simply shook his head.

"Noooo." Edward said. Harry walked into the room seeing what was going on. Edward pointed to Harry. "That's my daddy." 

"Edward I'm not you daddy." Harry said.

"You are because you are there for me!" Edward exclaimed. 

I ran out of the room crying. Harry was always there for Edward. Louis couldn't. 

"Mummy don't cry." Edward ran up to my and hugged my legs. "Mummy why are you crying? I don't like it when you cry." 

"Edward sometimes people need to cry." I simply said.

"Is it because daddy isn't really my daddy?" Edward asked. He's a clever little kid he really is. 

"Well who do you think is you daddy?" I asked. 

"Harry. But he's not." He said

"Harry isn't your daddy." I said 

"Then who is?" Edward asked. 

"A very special person." I said "His name was Louis." 

"Was?" He asked.

"Well daddy was in a big war. He went missing, and we can't find him." I said as tears spilled from my eyes. 

Edward wrapped me in a big hug. "Don't worry mummy. I will find Daddy, you can stop crying and we can be together." Edward exclaimed. 

"Edward its not that simple." I said. Edward let out a big yawn. "And i think someone needs to go to bed." 

"Okay." Edward let go of me and ran to his room. 


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