If I Could Do Anything Right Now, I Would Run

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"Answer the cuestion Sam, you and I what?" Jack asked, he looked really mad.

"Oh the asshole is here" Danny said standing up and getting closer to Jack, I tried to stop him from doing something stupid, but it was useless he's stronger an bigger than me. He pushed Jack once he was in front of him. 

"Look" Jack said, his voice was dark "I don't know what the fuck do you have against me but you better cut your shit and leave this house before I fucking kick your ass" I never saw him this mad.

"Well" I said while I put myself between the both of them but I kept my back to Jack "Danny your mom is gonna be worried if you get late to your house" I tried to sound casual but I was failing miserable.

"No I won't leave until I break this asshole's jaw" he wasn't even looking at me, he eyes were glued to Jack and the look on his eyes was scary.

"Good, you don't how badly I want to leave you crying like a bitch on the floor" Jack said, his voice was deep.

"Stop! both of you! Danny please get out of my house now!" I said pointing to the door, I didn't want any of them getting hurt. 

Everything happened so fast, Danny grabbed me an put me away from them "Danny!" I screamed when I saw his fist collide with Jack's face, his lip started to bleed and he cleaned himself with the sleeve of his hoddie "Jack are you- NO!" I screamed again when I saw Jack's fist going against Danny's face", everything was going so fast and my attempts to separate them were useless. If it wasn't Danny who hitted it was Jack or vice versa.

"Danny! you throw one more punch and I will never talk to you again!" I shouted and they both stopped, Danny turned around and looked at me, his eyebrow and lip were bleeding. Jack looked a little bit worst and he looked so mad, kind of a sexy combination.

"I can't let this guy abuse of you!" he shouted

"But he didn't do anything to me! get that shit right Daniel!" I put myself in the middle of them again so they wouldn't fight "please leave" I asked to Danny, he sighed and walk to the door. I heard him say something like fuck or something like that. Slowly I turned to face Jack, his eyes were dark

"That's why I wanted to talk with you" his voice was raspy, he cleaned his lip with his sleeve "so you wouldn't tell to that I 'abuse' of you!" he shouted walking to the bathroom. Now even though we were alone, I had to thank that or this could be worst and one of the workers could hear this discussion and tell it to my parents.

"I didn't say anything to anyone!" I followed him

"Yeah sure so that asshole punch me because we're best friends right!" he shouted, his voice was pure sarcasm.

"Or maybe because he saw the stupid marks that you left on my neck!" I shouted back.

"Oh excuse me but you left the same or even worst marks on me and I'm not saying it to the whole world!" he started to clean his face with the towel.

"So now it's my fault?!" I said sarcastically

"Yes it's your fault; one: you did the party, two: you drank until you lost your mind and three: you didn't let me go!" he got closer to me.

"I didn't let you go?" I laughed "did I threat you with a gun or did I tied you?" I putted my hands on my hips

"A person just remember what is convenient for her" he said getting out of the bathroom, when he walked by me our chest touched and I felt something like electricity.

"What is right about this whole situation?" I laughed "because nothing of what happened last night is right for me and I do remember some parts of the night" I think I blushed

The babysitter.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz