Wrapped Around Your Finger

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It's been a week since we became "friends" and it's been really good, but there was still the question "what were we?" I obviously don't want to rush things since I was a bitch to him at first. Who knows maybe time will tell.

Today was a cool day, the weather was cold so me and Jack spend the day watching movies, since it was Saturday.

-Is it necessary to watch this movie just because its cold outside? - I said whe I saw Jack putting Home Alone on the DVD player.

-Yes. If it's cold it means that Christmas is coming so what a better way to get ready with the best movie in the world - he said with the biggest smile on his face.

-Ugh fine - I said going to the kitchen to prepare some popcorn -You know, you'll never be like Kevin McAllister right?— I said puring soda in two glasses.

-Did you really just said that -he said, now standing in the frame of the door with an evil look.

-Yes -I said confident, even tho his look was worrying me -why are you looking me that way?

And without a word he pulled me over his shoulder and walked out to the back yard, when I saw him walking towards the pool I started screaming and hit him on his back and butt.

-No Jack! Let me go now!! If you do this I'll hate you forever!!! -I screamed when I saw Jack standing on the edge of the pool

-So, what did you said about me being Kevin? -he asked with a devilish voice

-I said that you could be like... his brother? -I said and then he turn around and pulled me out of his shoulder and put me back on the ground.

-You were so scared! -he started laughing then I looked at him and then pushed him to the pool

-SAM! -he screamed, I was laughing hysterically

-You should've seen your face!!! -I said kinda talking kinda laughing -Oh my god that was gold! -I said slapping my knee

-You're so dead -he said getting out of the pool.

I started running towards the house when he grabbed me by the back and suddenly I was inside the pool with a laughing Jack next to me.

-I hate you!!! -I screamed

-No you don't -he said grabbing me by the waist, I wrapped my legs around his waist bringing him closer to me

-Yes I do -I said before I kissed him.

We were kissing when drops started to fall from the sky, shit how long we've been kissing?

-Your lips are blue -Jack said before he gave me a quick kiss -let's get out of here and get warm -he said, those words had like double meaning

-Okay -was all I could say

Once we were inside the house I went to my bedroom and change for something more comfy, then I heard a knock on my door


-So are we gonna watch the movie or what? -Jack said, I had totally forgotten the movie

-Oh right, let's go -I said grabbing his hand

We were walking to the living room when Jack pulled me against the wall and started kissing me roughly, his hands were all over me, desperate for me. My hands were tangled in his hair while he kissed, bit and licked my neck making it hard to breathe. I pulled his hair making him groan, he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist bringing him closer, I just wanted to be close to him. I didn't know that I could feel like this, he was driving me insane with his lips, his eyes, the way he was with me. He wasn't my babysitter anymore, and I didn't wanted that my parents come back.

-Let's go to my room -he said biting the lobe of my ear, making me breathe harder than I already was. I nodded not trusting in my voice.

We were inside his room and our hands were out of control.

Jack's POV

We were in my room and all I wanted was her, I wanted her so bad but I know that if I rushed things I might screw it up. And to think that I have little time to continue this babysitting thing I have to leave to finish the album and then to go on tour, I was going to miss her.

-Jack? -she said when I stopped kissing her when I was thinking

-I'm sorry -I said -I was just thinking about this whole babysitting thing and what's gonna happen when your parents come back -I said saying just a part of what I was thinking

-Well, when my parents come back we can tell them that we're...dating? -she said doubtful

-Yeah... talking about dating, what if you and I go to dinner tomorrow?

-That'll be great, where? -she asked

-Surprise, you just go as beautiful as you are -I said and with that I grabbed her face and kissed her again.

Later that day, after kissing over 2 hours, we finally watched Home Alone. Sam laughed at me because I repeated every line of the movie.

My phone started ringing, I saw the lock screen, it was Zack

-What's up Zack? -I said when I answer

-Hi, did Matty called you to tell you that tomorrow we have a meeting?

-Errm nope, what is it about? -thanks Matt, I said to myself

-About the new album, the upcoming tour and that stuffs

-Okay, time and place?

-I'll text it to you, I don't remember the place

-Okay -I said

-Okay I have to hang up but I'll text you later Jack, bye -he said before hanging up

-Who was it? -Sam asked

-It was Zack, calling me to tell me that tomorrow me and the guys have a meeting I said shrugging my shoulders

-Oh, is it bad? -she souded concerned

-No no just stuffs

-Oh okay


Hi everyone!! so as I said in one of my messages I got hit by inspiration kinda and I decided to write again! Maybe this chapter is kinda shitty I don't know but I'll keep writing (even if it takes me forever since I'm working again) so, let me know what you think about this and I'll delete the I'm Sorry post

Love you

Sorry is there's any grammar mistakes, I'm still working on my english


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