The First Punch... or maybe the fifth?

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Sam’s POV

I woke up at the sound of a phone ringing can somebody get that thing? I thought without get up from my bed, I realized it was my phone, so I pulled out my hand and pick it up from the table next to my bed

“Hello?” my voice sounded husky

“Good morning Samantha” the school principal’s voice showed up “I remember you that you have detention and you’re twenty minutes late already, if you don’t want a second detention I recommend you to get up and come to school” he hung up.

Shit I’d forgot that I had detention for punch Jasmine in the nose, she was being so fucking annoying I had to do it, all of this happened yesterday when Jack leaved me at school and he started to say the stupidest things and I got out of control and BANG my fist was on her nose, the Science teacher found us and send us to detention yesterday and today.

“Fuck my head” I said to no one.

I looked at the sealing for a moment before I decided to get up which made my room spin Shit! I thought.

“What the fuck did I do last night?” I asked myself.

I realized I was only in my underwear where the fuck is my dress?? When the room stopped spinningI looked around and I found it on the floor weird I didn’t have sex last night didn’t I? now I was officially scared and what scared me the most was that I didn’t remember anything from last night. Quickly I went to my closet and pick some random skinny jeans, a t-shirt and some Vans, I took a quick shower and once I was dried and dressed I looked myself in the mirror to do my make-up, I had the biggest shiners under my eyes. My eyes fall on something in my neck, it looked like a bruise? It’s impossible that I hit myself there and I didn’t make out with anybody… didn’t I? After all my dress was on the floor that’s when I remember last night events and Jack was in them.

“I was about to do it with Jack” I whispered with wide eyes.

Oh my god how could he?! I was drunk and he has a girlfriend damn it! I felt so stupid, now I had showed him that he could have me and that wasn’t something I was pleased to show. I try everything I could to cover the hickie, wait hickies, who the fuck he thought he was?? Fucking Edward Cullen or what? I quit trying to cover them up and I needed to start walking soon and since I don’t have my car, I don’t want a double detention, I came back to my room and grabbed the biggest glasses I had so I could cover my shiners and grabbed my bag.

I made my way downstairs as quite I could be; today I didn’t wanted to see Jack for any reason so when I get to the door I opened up really quite

“Sam?” his voice came behind me, I pretend I didn’t heard him and I got out of the house “Sam!” he said again, I turned to see him fuck why does he has to look so good “I need to talk to you” he said with a pleading voice.

“I have detention and I’m really late so…” I try my hardest to sound coldly

“Then I’ll drive you” he said walking to the car

“No, it’s not necessary” I said but he ignored me this time

The whole ride to school was surrounded by a really awkward silence, not even the radio was on and it was driving me crazy, usually we always went fighting or in silence but with music in the back but now it was this; pure and horrible awkward silence. I turned my head a little so he wouldn’t notice that I was looking at him, his eyes were glued on the road and his face was emotionless. Something on his neck got my eyes, he had the same marks I had just a little bit more noticeable I didn’t do that, I didn’t do that PLEASE tell me I didn’t do THAT!! I pleaded to anything up there, slowly I turned my head back to the front. Once we were at the front of the school he parked and put his eyes on me.

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