Got A Car, Got A Chance,Got My Dignity

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“Who and what was that?!” Katelin asked once I reach her, it looks like she saw everything. “What do you mean?” I try to pretend that I didn’t know what she was talking about.

“Oh my god! Is him?!” she guessed “I mean you have HIM in your house and you wanna kick him out?!!! You’re officially CRAZY!” she said walking behind me.

 “He’s so obnoxious!” I said desperate “he took my car off and you know how much I hate when I don’t have my car!” I told her while I open up my locker to get my books out.

 “But the way he approach to you, said something different” she said raising one of her blonde eyebrow.

“He just do it to piss me off” I said obvious to the situation.

“Wow how needy can be that guy?” I heard Jasmine say behind us.

“Wow how looser can you be to stand behind people and listen to their conversation? Why don’t you just fuck off!” I was already piss for what Jack had made go through and I didn’t had the patience to handle this stupid bitch.

“Hahaha” fuck sakes her fake laugh was more awful that her actual laugh “how much did you pay him to go out with you?” she laugh again.

“I didn’t pay anything to him and he’s not going out with me” I said walking towards her “but I don’t even know why am I giving explanations to you” I said when I think about what I told her, she’s so annoying.

“And why do you think your life is interesting to me?” she put her hand on her hips.

“Well, that’s what it looks like since you don’t leave me alone” I got close to her and I look at her with those stares that could kill, at this point Jasmine will be six feet underground.

“I’m not scared of you” she said ‘secure’, but I could see the fear in her eyes and the urge of punch her in the face were going to the limits.

“Oh please I can smell your fear from miles here!” Katelin said laughing at her.

“Agh you both are so annoying! Why don’t you just leave me alone!?” I saw her watery eyes, obviously faking it.

“What the-…” I said before I was cut off

“Mrs. Smith” I heard the headmaster said behind me. I turned around in my heels to face him

“Headmaster, how you’ve been?” I said nerviously.

“Is everything okay here?” he asked me serious. “Sure” I said

“Sure?” Jasmine asked rhetorically “c’mon keep threating me!” she was playing the victim now, I wish that the headmaster wouldn’t show up to finally punch her.

“Jasmine you’re such a dumbass!” I said to her, I didn’t give a fuck if he heard me I was so sick of her.

“Smith! My office… now” he looked really angry right now “and both of you to your classrooms now!” he said to Katelin and Jasmine.

“But-…” I tried to defend myself

“No buts” he cut me “to my office now Smiths”

“But-…” I tried to said again

“¡Now!” he screamed

Without any other option I started to walk, but not without pretend that I was going to hit Jasmine in the face which make her jump and scream like a baby.

“’Smiths!” he screamed again when he saw what I did

I laughed and I walk towards his office. Outside of it there was the secretary, Mrs. Pettys, who gave me a disapproval look which I ignored as I walked in the office.

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