This Can Be Something That We'll Never Regret

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I found Sam dancing on the dining table in a really provocative way and there was a lot of guys looking at her. I walked farther to the sound system and unplug it, I heard several ‘Ooh’ from the people

“Everybody out of the house the party is over!” I said with the door open waiting for everyone to leave “get out of here please!”, slowly everyone walked out of the house.

Once the house was empty I went back to the dining room area finding Sam still dancing on the table even though there wasn’t any music playing and I hadn’t realized that there were still guys around the table looking at her.

“Stop looking at her and get the fuck out of the house!” I shouted to them. When they leaved I got closer to the table “Sam get down of there right now!” I shouted to her trying to control my anger, she turned and saw me, I was waiting a ‘What are you doing Jack?” or maybe a ‘Get the fuck out!” or something like that but instead a smile spread across her face

“Jaaaack!” she said throwing herself in my arms, I got her carefully putting her down on the ground

“You drank don’t ya??” I asked her, she was now hugging and she must be really drunk because sober she would’ve never hugged me.

“Jack everything is moving” she said looking at me then she hid her face in the crook of my neck and I could feel her breathe which sends chills down my spine.

Suddenly I heard screams and lights coming from outside the house and then the bell sounded

“Okay come here Sam” I said moving her to one of the chairs “sit here a little bit while I go checked who is it okay? Don’t move” she nodded closing her eyes.

The people in the door were the police, they said that we needed to put the music down or there’d be problems. When they left I came back to the dining room finding Sam still sitting in the chair but her head was on the table.

“You’re a crazy girl Sam” I said pulling her up in my arms, she passed her arms around my neck, suddenly a group of people came from the backyard and they were surprised by the absence of people, in the group I recognized Kaitlin.

“What happened?” she asked, seeing that I had Sam in my arms

“I should ask you the same thing” I was a little pissed with her for leaving Sam alone “you couldn’t avoid that she drink?!” I asked her

“And isn’t supposed that her parents are paying you to take care of her?” a guy next to Kaitlin asked

“I do take care of her but now you made a party and you left her alone and you let her drink, what would’ve happened if I had got here later? Maybe the worst could’ve happened! So don’t come with the bullshit with me that I wasn’t taking care of her” I was pissed but somehow Sam calm me when she mumble something and put her head closer to my neck

“Yeah you’re right” he said after all he knew that what I was saying was true

“C’mon I’ll take you home” Kaitlin said to him

Once the house was empty, I took Sam to her room. It was my first time in it and it was a really cute room, I think that all of Sam’s personality was in the walls. I place her in the middle of the bed, her eyes were still closed and I thought that maybe she had fell asleep so I sat next her

“Only because you’re in this state you’re save… for now” I said before I smiled at her “you’re so cute” I whispered, before I leaved she opened her eyes and stared at me, for some reason I was paralyzed when she did it.

“Your eyes are really pretty” she said before started giggling, I really liked her in this state.

“Go to sleep Sam” I said touching the tip of her nose

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