We Play Along, So Bitter Sweet By Our Design

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Sam's POV

It was time to leave school and I was looking for my things and Katelin was still in the classroom, I kinda wanted to go home but also didn't.

It's been a week since Jack and I kissed and honestly the kiss was amazing but I was pissed; pissed with myself because I showed my week side to Jack, the last person I wanted to showed it. The day after the kiss in the afternoon I got home at the usual time and I was planned into talk with Jack about the kiss, once I was inside the house Jack was in the living room with his guitar

"Hey Jack" I said, it was the first time that I spoke to him first, it felt weird, but what it felt weirder was Jack's response. He turned, look at me and then turn again to whatever he was doing without say any word. What the fuck?! 

I stand there surprised by his reaction, I mean he was the one who kiss me first, when I got off my daze I went to the kitchen and Maria was there, I really didn't like her because when it came to fights with my parents she always got  in the way with her opinion even though nobody asked her and I was sure that she make Jack say something about this whole situation, she looked at me and sighed.

"Hey Maria is there something to eat, I'm starving" I said leaving my bag in one of the chairs

"Hey swettie, here" she place in front of me a place with delicious food

So even though she could get really sneaky sometimes, she was really sweet. Whenever my mom wasn't around she take care of me but she had her kids that's why she couldn't stay the whole time in the house which it was one of the reasons why Jack was here.

But anyways I'll make things short. So in the entire week Jack ignored me except in the mornings when the only words coming from him were "at 3", but why would I listen to him when I wanted to talk to him he didn't , so I broke the "deal" we had made; if he was going to be a bitch I was going to be bigger. Everyday if that week I got home at 7 or 8 pm, those days I went to Kait's house, shopping, whatever came in our minds. The Friday of that week I got home around 9 maybe 10 I don't remember, I was hanging with Kait and Danny (my other best friend) what can I say? I needed a break from Jack and his face and I had a terrible mess in my head thinking that maybe I had feelings for him and what is better than spend time with your best friends, but between the two of them only Kaitlin knows everything and when she told me to give him a chance I was goinna give it to him, but the way he was acting it was confusing me shitless. Don't get me wrong the kiss was amazing but he's my "babysitter"and things could get weird if we moved foward into something. What something? NO! I hate him, I mean not hate him in deed but it's different when he ignore me, now I feel the way he felt the first couple of days, but at least I talked to him a little and I admit it; I miss his voice, but whatever returning to that Friday I got home and once in the house, it was dark, obviously no one of the employees was gonna be there but where was Jack? What do you care? my mind said, you're right why should I care. Almost at the top of the stairs I heard someone laughing, a girl laugh. I kept walking gettting closer to his door

"Aw Jack stop! you silly!" I heard the girl said. So Jack brough a girl, to my house, after he said he liked me, after he KISSED ME

"C'mon Alice, you know you like it" I heard them laugh and then a pause "C'mon" Jack said when he open the door I frezzed, all of the sudden a girl with brown eyes and red hair came into my view play it cool, calm down after all she is in YOUR house my mind said, then Jack came out of the room.

"Who's this?" I asked 

"Excuse me, who are you?" the girl 'Alice' asked crossing her arms over her chest, seriously in my house playing rude?

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